
So for those of you majoring in fortune telling go ahead and burn the midnight oil 对于那些主修算命的同学我鼓励你们继续开夜车 The rest of you: not so much As you can tell by now, I'm a major sleep evangelist 剩下的人就别这样做了现在你们知道了 我主要是一个睡眠传道者 Indeed, at the Huffington Post, in our news room, we have two nap rooms And at first, you know, hundreds of...

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"I don't care how well your business is doing You're not taking care of you "我不关心你的生意做得怎样""你肯定没照顾好自己" Your business might have a great bottom line, but you are your most important capital There are only so many withdrawals you can make from your health bank account "你的生意可能资本雄厚 但你才是自己最重要的资本"...

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I've learned about Smithies writing honors theses on subjects that I not only don't understand but I can't even pronounce 我发现 很多史密斯人的荣誉论文标题我不仅无法理解 甚至不会发音 Like Lisa Stephanie Cunden's thesis on entro- I wanted to do here a thesis pronounced in a Greek accent — 比如丽莎.斯蒂芬妮.康登的论文 …我将用希腊口音念出这个论文标题 On en...

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To me, it's very much a third women's revolution call to arms She spoke of the need to dispel myths about ambition and success 在我看来 这就是第三次女性革命的革命宣言她讲到消除抱负和成功误区的必要性 Chief among them the myth that success and ambition look like a straight line 其中最重要的一个误区就是成功和抱负看起来像一条直线 Now I guess it's no big surprise that...

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A much simpler way is to sleep your way to the top Right now I imagine President Christ is thinking 更简单的方法是一路睡向成功现在 估计克里斯特校长正想着 She probably should have vetted this speech But no, I'm talking about sleep in the literal sense 应该事先审查这次演讲不过别想歪了 我这里的"睡"是字面意义的 Because right now the workplace is absolutely fueled b...

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But the second truth is that we're all going to spend most of our lives not in that place 而第二条真理我们总是将生命中大部分时间用在这个地方之外 We keep veering away from that place again and again and again In fact, we may spend our lives off-course more often than we are on-course 我们一次又一次背离了这个地方我们生命中大部分时间都偏离航向 而不是处在航向上 At the Huffin...

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And I can't imagine a place where I would be more likely to find the leaders of that revolution 我想象不到其它任何地方比史密斯学院更适合作为这场革命领导者的孕育之地 Than right here at Smith At the moment, our society's notion of success 比史密斯学院更适合作为这场革命领导者的孕育之地当今社会关于成功的概念 Is largely composed of two parts: money and power In fact, succ...

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"I don't care how well your business is doing You're not taking care of you "我不关心你的生意做得怎样""你肯定没照顾好自己" Your business might have a great bottom line, but you are your most important capital There are only so many withdrawals you can make from your health bank account "你的生意可能资本雄厚 但你才是自己最重要的资本"...

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Thank you so much Thank you so much, President Christ, the Board of Trustees 非常感谢非常感谢 克里斯特校长 董事会 Members of the faculty, devoted parents and friends and especially the fabulous Smith College class of 2013 教职工成员们 勇于奉献的家长们和朋友们还有成就卓越的史密斯学院2013届毕业生们 Congratulations. You have reached the light at the end of the tunnel And when y...

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Now commencement speakers are traditionally expected to tell graduates how to go out there and climb the ladder of success 毕业演讲发言人一般都会告诉毕业生如何走向社会并攀爬成功的阶梯 But I want to ask you, instead, to redefine success Because the world you are headed into desperately needs it 不过我这里不是 我希望你们重新定义成功因为你们所步入的世界亟需这一点 And because yo...

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We've talked about well-being, wisdom, and wonder And now, the last element of the third metric of success: 我们讨论了健康 智慧 还有好奇下面再看成功第三种衡量方式的最后一个要素 Empathy, compassion, the willingness to give back The founding fathers wrote about the pursuit of happiness 同理心 同情心 回馈的意愿开国元勋们曾写到过对幸福的追求 But if you go back to the origina...

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Delighted at both the mysteries of the universe and the everyday little things that fill our lives 既热衷于宇宙的神秘又热衷于生活中的各种小事 And whenever I'd complain or be upset about something, she would say to me: "Darling, change the channel 我抱怨或烦恼时 她总是会跟我说"亲爱的 换台" You are in control of the clicker Don't replay the bad, scary mo...

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I've learned about Smithies writing honors theses on subjects that I not only don't understand but I can't even pronounce 我发现 很多史密斯人的荣誉论文标题我不仅无法理解 甚至不会发音 Like Lisa Stephanie Cunden's thesis on entro- I wanted to do here a thesis pronounced in a Greek accent — 比如丽莎.斯蒂芬妮.康登的论文 …我将用希腊口音念出这个论文标题 On en...

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So for those of you majoring in fortune telling go ahead and burn the midnight oil 对于那些主修算命的同学我鼓励你们继续开夜车 The rest of you: not so much As you can tell by now, I'm a major sleep evangelist 剩下的人就别这样做了现在你们知道了 我主要是一个睡眠传道者 Indeed, at the Huffington Post, in our news room, we have two nap rooms And at first, you know, hundreds of...

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To me, it's very much a third women's revolution call to arms She spoke of the need to dispel myths about ambition and success 在我看来 这就是第三次女性革命的革命宣言她讲到消除抱负和成功误区的必要性 Chief among them the myth that success and ambition look like a straight line 其中最重要的一个误区就是成功和抱负看起来像一条直线 Now I guess it's no big surprise that...

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A much simpler way is to sleep your way to the top Right now I imagine President Christ is thinking 更简单的方法是一路睡向成功现在 估计克里斯特校长正想着 She probably should have vetted this speech But no, I'm talking about sleep in the literal sense 应该事先审查这次演讲不过别想歪了 我这里的"睡"是字面意义的 Because right now the workplace is absolutely fueled b...

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It's only truly working for those who make pharmaceuticals for stress, sleeplessness and high blood pressure 硬要说它适用于谁的话 它只适用于生产治疗压力 失眠和高血压的药物的人 So please don't settle for just breaking through glass ceilings in a broken corporate system or in a broken political system 请大家不要满足于只在已经破败的公司系统或社会系统中寻求突破 Where so ...

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And in order to bypass the growing Huffington Post bureaucracy I'm going to give you right now my e-mail address 为了绕过日渐臃肿的哈芬顿邮报机构体系我将告诉你们我的电子邮箱地址 Arianna@huffingtonpost.com and you can send it directly to me arianna@huffingtonpost.com你们可以直接给我发邮件 And get the password for life Getting to know you has made me feel very protective o...

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What is missing is not IQ, but wisdom And today, it's getting harder and harder to tap into our own wisdom 他们缺少的不是智商 而是智慧时至今日 要挖掘我们自身的智慧变得越来越难 Because we are all so hyper-connected to our devices, our screens, our social media that we're having a hard time disconnecting from technology 因为我们都太过依赖于电子设备和社交网络这让我们很...

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