
THE PRESIDENT: Good morning. On Monday night, I will address the American people about the state of our union. I will report that over the last seven years, we’ve made great progress on important issues at home and abroad. I will also report that we have unfinished business before us, and we must work together to get it done. In my speech, I will lay out a full plate o...

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跳墙狗急火型 发工资前三天,就不断地在财务部办公室的玻璃门外嗅来嗅去,如果嗅到有工作紧张的气氛,心里就稍许安心了一点。到了发工资那天,整天焦躁不安在办公室和洗手间之间走来窜去。因为在等待已久的激动人心时刻到来的时候,为了保证心脏不跳出喉咙,人的新陈代谢功能就很旺盛。千等万等,终于以排行第一的顺序拿到工资,看都不看一眼,狂奔回家,水电费、房租费、电话费,门口小店的赊欠费,一一解...

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