
When a new inhabitant moves into the tower, 当一个新的居住者搬进这座大楼, they already have a roof over their head, 他们已经有一个可以遮盖的房顶, so they just typically mark their space 所以他们通常只是使用 with a few curtains or sheets. 很小的窗帘和单子来突出他们的地方。 Slowly, from found materials, walls rise, 慢慢地,从现成的材料,高墙, and people create a space out o...

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Another place I'd like to share with you 另一个我希望和你们分享的地方 is the Zabbaleen in Cairo. 是在开罗的扎巴林。 They're descendants of farmers who began migrating 这里的居民是40年代 from the upper Egypt in the '40s, 从埃及上部的地区移居过来的农民的后代, and today they make their living 今天他们靠着 by collecting and recycling waste from homes 从全开罗居民家...

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We saw this a couple of decades ago 我们在在几世纪之前目睹了这一切的发生。 when Teddy Kollek, the great mayor of Jerusalem 当耶路撒冷的市长,特迪·科勒克 (Teddy Kollek) in the '80s and the '90s, 在八十和九十年代, was besieged one day in his office 被来自于不同背景的宗教领袖 by religious leaders from all of the backgrounds, 包围在办公室里, Christian prelates, rabbis,...

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Throughout my career, I've been fortunate enough 在我的职业生涯里,我非常幸运的 to work with many of the great 和很多著名的 international architects, 国际建筑师一起工作过, documenting their work and observing 整理他们的工作,并观察 how their designs have the capacity 他们的设计是如何有能力 to influence the cities in which they sit. 去影响其所在的城市。 I think of new ci...

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Moreover, today, more than half of the world's population 除此以外,超过世界人口的一半以上 live in cities. 都居住生活在城市。 In the developed world, it's about 78 percent. 在发达国家中,这种比例达到了78%。 More than three out of four people 超过了四分之三的人口 live in urban institutions, urban places, 居住在城市的机构、场所, in cities today. 城市的各个地方。 So ci...

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And since we had that meeting three and a half years ago, 自从我们三年半前开展这儿会议以来 it's been a heck of a roller coaster. 真是过山车式的跳跃 We started with a seed swap, really simple stuff, 我们以种子交易开始,很简单的东西 and then we took an area of land, a strip on the side 然后我们采用了一片土地,在主干道的 of our main road, which was a dog toilet, basically, ...

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and if you think about the little kid who sits on your lap 如果你想像一下,有个小孩坐在你大腿上 and who is cozily nested here and very secure and comfortable, 他舒服地坐在那里,既安全又舒适 and at some point all of us need to go out into the world 而在某种程度上,我们每个人都需要走出去 to discover and to explore. 去发现、去探索. That's the beginning of desire, 这就是性欲...

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In love, we want to have, we want to know the beloved. 在爱情中,我们想要拥有,我们想要了解我们的爱人 We want to minimize the distance. We want to contract that gap. 我们想腻在一起,想跨越阻碍 We want to neutralize the tensions. We want closeness. 我们想调和不安的情绪,我们想亲密无间。 But in desire, we tend to not really want to go back to the places we've already gone....

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I'm going to talk about hackers. 今天我要谈的是有关黑客的话题。 And the image that comes to your mind 当我说到“黑客”这个词的时候 when I say that word is probably not 你脑中所出现的画面可能不会是 of Benjamin Franklin, 本杰明·富兰克林, but I'm going to explain to you why it should be. 但我想要告诉你,为什么应该是富兰克林。 The image that comes to your mind 你脑中出现...

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One of our graduate students then says, well, 我们的一个毕业生说,好吧 how does a driverless car communicate with pedestrians? 这个无人驾驶的车,怎样提防行人呢? You have nobody to make eye contact with. 没有司机看着它啊 You don't know if it's going to run you over. 也不知道它是不是会把你碾过去 So he's developing strategies so the vehicle can 所以他在研究怎样让这...

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And we tend to fall in love with somebody 我们会倾向于 from the same socioeconomic background, 在同等的社会、经济背景, the same general level of intelligence, 同样智力水平, the same general level of good looks, 同等的相貌, the same religious values. 以及相同的宗教信仰中找到自己的爱人。 Your childhood certainly plays a role, but nobody knows how. 而童年的经历也会影响人们的...

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We think this can all be standardized, and then people 我们觉得这可以标准化 can personalize the stuff that goes into that wall, 那样人们就可以个性化墙上的其他物品 and like the car, we can integrate all kinds of sensing 就像那辆车一样,我们能完善各种 to be aware of human activity, so if there's a baby or 感应人类活动的传感装置,所以 a puppy in the way, you won't have ...

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They also have great capacity. 它们有很大的容量 For example, this system in Guangzhou 例如,这系统在广州 is moving more passengers our direction 比中国所有的地铁线路 than all subway lines in China, 能运送更多的乘客 except for one line in Beijing, 除了北京的一条地铁线 at a fraction of the cost. 且成本只是地铁的一小部分 We fought not just for space for buses, 我们不只是为巴士...

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Before I talk about that, 谈到这之前 I've written down at the bottom there 我在底下标出了 the slope of this curve, this straight line. 这条曲线的斜率,即这条直线 It's three-quarters, roughly, 大约为3比4 which is less than one — and we call that sublinear. 小于1,呈“次线性” And here's the point of that. 这里有一点值得注意 It says that, if it were linear, 当最...

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So I just copied and pasted from my resume. 所以我直接把简历,复制粘贴上去 So in the descriptive part up top, 上面,描述部分 I said that I was an award-winning journalist 我说我是,获奖记者 and a future thinker. 和未来思考者 When I was asked about fun activities and 让我描述兴趣爱好和理想人选 my ideal date, I said monetization 我填了,赚钱 and fluency in Japanese. 和日语流利...

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So knowing that there was superficial data 既然公式配对, that was being used to match me up with other people, 用的是肤浅信息 I decided instead to ask my own questions. 我决定,自己问问题 What was every single possible thing 我要找的,另一半 that I could think of that I was looking for in a mate? 需要具备,哪些条件呢? So I started writing and writing and writing, 我开始写...

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So my name is Amy Webb, 我的名字呢,叫艾米·韦伯 and a few years ago I found myself at the end 几年前,我发现自己走到 of yet another fantastic relationship 又一段美好恋情的尽头 that came burning down in a spectacular fashion. 一切绚丽消逝 And I thought, you know, what's wrong with me? 你说我,到底怎么了? I don't understand why this keeps happening. 真不懂,为什么每次...

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Well, one month later, 一个月,之后 I had a lot of data, and I was able to do another analysis. 我收集了大量数据,足够再分析一回 And as it turns out, content matters a lot. 结果发现,内容很重要 So smart people tend to write a lot — 聪明的人,往往写很多 — — 3,000, 4,000, 3、4千 5,000 words about themselves, 甚至5千字,自我介绍 which may all be very, very interesting. 也...

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Only 20 years later, 仅仅20年后 between 1920 and 1930, 1920年至1930年间 almost 200,000 people 近 20万人 were killed by cars in the United States. 在美国死于车祸 Only in 1925, almost 7,000 children 在 1925年,近7000名儿童 were killed by cars in the United States. 在美国死于车祸 So we could make different cities, 所以我们可以创建不一样的城市 cities that will give more priority...

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When, in 1960, still a student, 1960年我还是学生时, I got a traveling fellowship 拿到出国留学的奖学金, to study housing in North America. 研究北美的住宅建筑。 We traveled the country. 我们游遍美国, We saw public housing high-rise buildings in all major cities: 看到所有大城市里的公共住宅大楼: New York, Philadelphia. 象是纽约、费城。 Those who have no choice lived there. ...

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