
And that was democracy growing up, 民主制度在当时正在形成 but it was also science growing up at the same time. 但同时科技也在发展 And it's really clear, if you look at the history of the Founding Fathers, 非常明显的是,如果你注意一下建国者的历史 a lot of them were very interested in science, 他们中的许多人都对科学很感兴趣 and they were interested in a concept 并且他们都...

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Another example: 还有一个例子 a few years ago I got a call from a man who was 19 years old, 几年前,我接到一个十九岁的男孩打来的电话 who was born a boy, raised a boy, 他生下来是个男孩,也被当作男孩来养 had a girlfriend, had sex with his girlfriend, 后来有了女朋友,也和女友发生了性关系 had a life as a guy 一直过着男孩的生活 and had just found out that he had ovaries and a ute...

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As we look, we get into all sorts of uncomfortable areas. 如我们所见,我们涉及各种各样艰难的领域 We look, for example, about the fact 我们来看一个例子,现实情况是 that we share at least 95 percent of our DNA 我们用95%的人类的DNA with chimpanzees. 与大猩猩进行对比 What are we to make of the fact 得出的事实是 that we differ from them only really by a few nucleotides? 人类和大...

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And the question to me becomes: 对我来说,问题就变成了: What do we do, 我们要做什么 as our science gets to be so good 当我们的科学在解剖学上 in looking at anatomy, 如此先进的时候 that we reach the point where we have to admit 我们已经到了不得不承认 that a democracy that's been based on anatomy 基于解剖学上的人的民主 might start falling apart? 也许正在崩溃的时候 I don...

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Well, just to close, I want to suggest to you 好,说到这里,我想提醒大家 that I've been talking a lot about the fathers. 我已经谈论了很多前人的事情 And I want to think about the possibilities 我还想考虑一下 of what democracy might look like, or might have looked like, 民主会是什么样子,或者是已经是什么样子的可能性 if we had more involved the mothers. 如果我们可以让更多的...

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I want you to imagine two couples 我希望大家设想一下,两对夫妇 in the middle of 1979 在1979年的年中 on the exact same day, at the exact same moment, 在相同的一天,相同的时刻 each conceiving a baby — okay? 每对怀上了一个孩子 — 好 So two couples each conceiving one baby. 那么两对夫妇各自都都怀上了一个孩子 Now I don't want you to spend too much time imagining th...

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你一定记得看过的某部侦探电影,作案者总是以一袭女装示人,走起路来扭扭捏捏,然后他脱下假发套、裙子和紧身衣,洗掉妆容——天哪,他竟然是个男的。 你还记得第一次看到某女性朋友穿西装打领带,戴男士皮带,穿男士靴子,她似乎从不穿裙子,浑身找不出艳丽的因子。 那种眉宇间的英气,真让你“雌雄难辨”,进入出神入化之境。 可是,他们不是同性恋,也不是恋物癖。只是通过穿异性的...

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