
If you told me that I'd have to be depressed for the next month, 如果你告诉我,我会在接下来的一个月里一直抑郁 I would say, "As long I know it'll be over in November, I can do it." 我会说,“只要一个月之后不抑郁了我就可以接受。” But if you said to me, "You have to have acute anxiety for the next month," 但如果你告诉我,“你会在接下来的一个月里严重焦...

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I was really moved by these experiences, 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了 and I decided that I wanted to write about them 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录 not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article, 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章 and so I got a commission from The New York Times Magazine to write about depression among the indigent. 所以我跟纽约时报杂志说...

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It's easier to help schizophrenics who perceive 相对而言帮助精神分裂症患者更容易 that there's something foreign inside of them that needs to be exorcised, 他们认为自己身体里面有某些异质需要被驱除 but it's difficult with depressives, 但对于抑郁症患者来说这很难 because we believe we are seeing the truth. 因为我们坚信自己看到的是事实 But the truth lies. 但事实是会说...

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I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from depression and I'm a little embarrassed about it, “我有抑郁症,我为此有点难为情 but I've been taking this medication, and I just want...

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I went a few years ago to a conference, and on Friday of the three-day conference, 几年前我去参加一个学术会议,连开三天,第一天是周五 one of the participants took me aside, and she said, 一个与会者把我叫到一边,她说 "I suffer from depression and I'm a little embarrassed about it, “我有抑郁症,我为此有点难为情 but I've been taking this medication, and I just want...

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I was really moved by these experiences, 我被这些真实的故事深深打动了 and I decided that I wanted to write about them 我之前计划只是写一本书来记录 not only in a book I was working on, but also in an article, 但是现在我觉得远远不够,我还要写一篇文章 and so I got a commission from The New York Times Magazine to write about depression among the indigent. 所以我跟纽约时报杂志说...

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So now people say, "You take these happy pills, and do you feel happy?" 现在人们会问:你吃了这些快乐丸(指抗抑郁药),你快乐么 And I don't. 不 But I don't feel sad about having to eat lunch, 但是我不会因为要吃饭而不开心 and I don't feel sad about my answering machine, 不会因为要回电话而不开心 and I don't feel sad about taking a shower. 不会因为要洗澡而...

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And I went out and I interviewed person after person who was suffering with depression. 于是我去探访了一个又一个经历过抑郁的人 One of the first people I interviewed 我第一批采访的人中有一个人 described depression as a slower way of being dead, 把抑郁描述为一种缓慢的死亡方式 and that was a good thing for me to hear early on 这种说法最初在我听来是好的 because it reminded me th...

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And yet, when I went to look at alternative treatments, 当我去了解其它偏门疗法时 I also gained perspective on other treatments. 我也接触到了其它疗法的不同的视角 I went through a tribal exorcism in Senegal that involved a great deal of ram's blood 我研究过塞内加尔一个部落的净化仪式,他们在仪式中使用了大量的公羊血 and that I'm not going to detail right now, 这里我就不...

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"I felt a funeral in my brain, and mourners to and fro “我的脑海中,进行着一场葬礼,悼念者络绎不绝 kept treading, treading till I felt that sense was breaking through. 不停的走着, 踩踏着,直到仪式的氛围渐浓 And when they all were seated, a service, like a drum, 当所有人入座,仪式开始,敲鼓的声音 kept beating, beating, till I felt my mind was going numb. 沉重有力,敲打着...

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I was struck by the fact that depression 我很不能理解为什么 is broadly perceived to be a modern, Western, middle-class thing, 人们普遍的把抑郁症看成是现代西方中产阶级特有的一种病 and I went to look at how it operated in a variety of other contexts, 于是我开始寻找抑郁症与其它社会因素的关联 and one of the things I was most interested in was depression among the indigent. 在可...

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The chemical cure and the psychological cure both have a role to play, 化学治疗和心理治疗都发挥着重要的作用 and I also figured out that depression was something that was braided so deep into us 我也发现抑郁是这样一个东西,深深的嵌入在我们的体内 that there was no separating it from our character and personality. 我们无法将它彻底剥离,它已经嵌入到我们的性格和个性中了 I want to...

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For a long time in my life, I felt like I'd been living two different lives. 在我生命中非常长的一段时间内,我感觉我在过着两种不同的人生。 There's the life that everyone sees, and then there's the life that only I see. 一个是每个人都看见的人生,另一个是只有我能看见的人生。 And in the life that everyone sees, 在每个人都能看见的人生里, who I am is a friend, a son, ...

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The first step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. 解决任何问题的第一步是认识到这一问题的存在。 Well, we haven't done that, so we can't really expect to find an answer when we're still afraid of the question. 我们还没能做到,所以我们不能期待当我们还在害怕问题的时候找到答案。 And I don't know what the solution is. 我不知道该解决方案是什么。 I w...

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Well, I survived, and that just leaves me with my story, 嗯,我活下来了,那让我跟我的故事并存, and my story is this: 我的故事是: In four simple words, I suffer from depression. 简单的四个字,患抑郁症。 I suffer from depression, and for a long time, I think, 我患上抑郁症,在很长时间,我想, I was living two totally different lives, where one person was always afraid of the ...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (43)我有一条黑狗,它名叫抑郁

I had a black dog. His name was Depression. 我有一条黑狗,它名叫抑郁。 Whenever the black dog made an appearance, I felt empty and life just seemed to slow down. 每当这条黑狗出现时,我就感到空虚,生活似乎也慢了下来。 He could surprise me with the visit for no reason or occasion. 它总会不分时间、场合的突然出现在我的面前。 The black dog made me look and feel older than my year...

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青少年患抑郁的越来越多,引起家长和学校的关注。如果孩子有3个月以上情绪持续不佳,要考虑是什么导致了这种状态。美国《预防医学杂志》登出的一项新研究显示,出格的行为会导致孩子出现抑郁。 研究者用一年的时间调查了美国13000名7—11年级(相当于中国的初高中)的青少年,发现那些吸食过毒品(比如摇头丸)和有过性行为的女孩子在未来一年内更容易患上抑郁症。 而男孩子的情况略有不同,他们中有过更...

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也许很难将孩子与抑郁症这个词联系在一起。但事实是,有些孩子不仅仅是忧郁那么简单,他们得的是抑郁症。如今,儿童被诊断出有抑郁症的数字正在不断攀升。虽然需要时间,但家长们仍需勇敢面对这个事实,并及早帮助他们走出抑郁症的困扰。 “低龄”抑郁症的八大征兆 最初,吴敏把10岁女儿的性情突变归罪于进入青少年期前的荷尔蒙变化。一向乖巧的Alice最近在家里常常无缘无故发脾气。吴敏抱怨:&l...

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抑郁症看起来是成人的疾病,似乎与宝宝无关。但是,很多抑郁症患者的病情都起源于心理问题,而心理问题又大都与童年的经历有关。因此,如果我们从宝宝入手,在他对周围环境还感觉无能为力的时候,就引导他换一种方式去看待,那么他在成人后罹患抑郁症的几率就会大大降低。 抑郁使得人憔悴 据报道,随着竞争加剧、各种压力增大,全球抑郁症患者比例一直呈攀升的态势。中国内地的抑郁症患者比例高达2.4%,而...

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