
I grew up in Northern Ireland, right up in the very, very north end of it there, 我从小在北爱尔兰长大,就在爱尔兰岛的最最北边 where it's absolutely freezing cold. 那里非常冷 This was me running around in the back garden mid-summer. 这张照片是一个夏天我在我们家后院玩的时候拍的 I couldn't pick a career. 我不知道该选择什么样的职业 In Ireland the obvious choice is the mi...

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I know violent video games make my mother worry. 我知道我妈很担心那些带有暴力情节的电子游戏 What troubles me is not that video game violence is becoming more and more like real life violence, 而让我所担心的,不是电子游戏中的暴力正在变得越来越像现实生活中的暴力 but that real life violence is starting to look more and more like a video game. 而是,现实生活中的暴力正在变得越来...

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I'm a video game addict, 我是一个游戏爱好者, and it's not because of a certain number of hours I have spent playing, 不仅仅是因为我花好多时间来玩游戏 or nights I have gone without sleep to finish the next level. 也不是因为无数个夜晚里为了通关而通宵达旦 It is because I have had life-altering experiences in virtual space, 是因为我在那个虚拟世界里有另外一条生命 and vid...

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So the way we acquired the games is very interesting and very unorthodox. 我们收购游戏的方式是十分有趣的,也是极不寻常的。 You see them here displayed alongside other examples of design, 你看在这里,它们陈列在其它设计样品的旁边, furniture and other parts, 家具和其他的部分, but there's no paraphernalia, no nostalagia, 但是这儿没有游戏设备,没有怀旧街机, only the screen...

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Some of the highlights were things like "The Terminator," 其中有一些让我引以为荣的,像《终结者》 "Aladdin," the "Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles." 《阿拉丁》还有《英雄神龟》(《忍者神龟》的英版名字) Because I was from the United Kingdom, 因为我来自英国 they thought the word ninja was a little too mean for children, 英国的有关部门觉得“忍者”对孩子们...

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We've–No, first of all, New York Magazine always gets it. 我们,不,首先,纽约杂志总是最先得到。 I love them. So we are in the right quadrant. 我爱他们。所以我们是在右边的象限。 We are in the Highbrow, that's daring, that's courageous, and Brilliant, which is great. 我们是知识分子,有胆量,有勇气,并且有智慧,这相当的棒。 Timidly, we've been higher on t...

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I found that video very, very thought provoking, 我发现这个视频非常有感染力 and that's why I wanted to bring it here for you guys to see. 于是我把它带来跟大家分享 And what was interesting about it is the obvious choice 我做这个选择很明显 for me to talk about was graphics and audio. 因为我所谈的都是计算机图形和声音 But as you heard, Michael talked about all these other el...

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And the same with, for instance, Tetris, original version, the Soviet one. 同样地,例如,俄罗斯方块,苏联的原始版本 And you know, the amount of work… 你们知道,这个工作量… yeah, Alexey Pajitnov was working for the Soviet government 好吧,Alexey Pajitnov那时正为苏联政府工作, and that's how he developed Tetris, 这也是他如何开发了俄罗斯方块。 and Alexey himself recon...

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I'm a brain scientist, and as a brain scientist, 我是一个脑科学家,而作为一个脑科学家, I'm actually interested in how the brain learns, 我对于大脑是如何学习的很感兴趣。 and I'm especially interested in a possibility of making our brains smarter, better and faster. 我尤为感兴趣的是将我们的大脑变得更聪明,更优秀,更迅速的可能性。 This is in this context I'm go...

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The thing again I want you to think about is, 再强调一次,大家想一下 don't look at these graphics and think of that's the way it is. 游戏将来会是什么样子 Think about that's where we are right now, 想一下我们现在在哪里 and the curve that we're on means that this is going to continue to get better. 再根据那个发展曲线推算一下,将来的游戏会发展成什么样子 This is ...

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So, I'm making fun of it, but we discussed this for so many days. 好吧,我在嘲笑它,但是我们讨论这件事有许多天了。 You have no idea. 你一点主意也没有。 And to this day, I am ambivalent, 至今我仍然在矛盾着。 but when you have instead games like Flow, there's no doubt. 但是当你有替代的游戏像《浮游世界》,当然毫无疑问。 It's like, it's about serenity and it'...

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I'm sure that all of you know Katamari Damacy. 我确信在座的各位都知道《块魂》, It's about rolling a ball and picking up as many objects as you can in a finite amount of time 它是一种在有限的时间里滚动一个球,并抓住尽量多的物品的游戏, and hopefully you'll be able to make it into a planet. 希望你将能使它成为一个星球。 I've never made it into a planet, but tha...

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I'm almost like a crazy evangelical. 我几乎像一个疯狂的福音派信徒, I've always known that the age of design is upon us, almost like a rapture. 一直深信设计时代来临,几乎像狂喜一般。 If the day is sunny, I think, 如果晴天,我就会想, "Oh, the gods have had a good design day." “哦,众神设计日快乐。” Or, I go to a show and I see a beautiful piece by an artist...

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My name's Seth Priebatsch. I'm the chief ninja of SCVNGR. 我叫Seth Priebatsch。我是SCVNGR公司的首席忍者。 I am a proud Princeton dropout. 我也因普里斯顿大学辍学而感到自豪。 Also proud to have relocated here to Boston, where I actually grew up. 同时也很自豪能够回到波士顿创业,这是我长大的地方。 Yeah, Boston. 是的,波士顿。 Easy wins. I should just go and name the coun...

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So this is my kid. 这是我的孩子, This is Maezza, and when she was seven years old, Maezza,当她七岁的时候, she came home from school one day, and like I do every single day, I asked her, 有一天她放学回家,我像平常一样问她, "What'd you do today?" "今天你过的怎么样?" So she said, "We talked about the Middle Passage." 她说:"我们今天讨...

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Actually, those action video game players have many other advantages in terms of attention, 事实上,动作电子游戏的玩家在注意力方面还有很多其他优势。 and one aspect of attention which is also improved for the better 其中之一得到提高的是能够更好地 is our ability to track objects around in the world. 追踪周围的物体。 This is something we use all the time. 这个能力我们很多时候都...

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Back at SCVNGR, we like to joke that with seven game dynamics, 在SCVNGR的时候,我们总开玩笑说,如果有7个玩游戏的动机的话, you can get anyone to do anything. 我们就能让任何人做任何事情。 And so today, I'm going to show you four, 今天我给大家介绍四种, because I hope to have a competitive advantage at the end of this, still. 因为我想保留一些,以保证我的相对优势。 So the f...

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Now in a sense, when we think about the effect of video games on the brain, 从某种意义上来说,我们可以认为电子游戏对于大脑的影响 it's very similar to the effect of wine on the health. 和酒对于健康的影响很相似。 There are some very poor uses of wine. 喝酒可能会造成很糟糕的结果, There are some very poor uses of video games. 玩电子游戏也是。 But when consumed in reasonable...

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And so I'm going to take a few examples from our work. 我想要举几个我们在研究中发现的例子。 One first saying that I'm sure you all have heard 这第一个说法,我想大多数人都听说过: is the fact that too much screen time makes your eyesight worse. 看太久屏幕会导致视力下降。 That's a statement about vision. 这是个关于视力的说法。 There may be vision scientists among y...

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Most of the educational games that are out there today are really flashcards. 今天的多数教育游戏是过时的,它们只是卡片游戏。 They're glorified drill and practice. 它们都是很耗人的和需要人们的耐心来玩。 They don't have the depth, the rich narrative that really engaging video games have, 它们没有真正打电子游戏时的那种耐玩性,丰富的游戏互动性, that the boys are really ...

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