
So I'm a woman with chronic schizophrenia. 我是一个患有慢性精神分裂症的女人 I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. 我曾经有几百天都待在精神病医院里面 I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back ward of a hospital, 也许我有可能一生大部分时间都待在医院的病房里 but that isn't how my life turned out. 但是我的人生并没有这样 In fact, I'...

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So I'm a woman with chronic schizophrenia. 我是一个患有慢性精神分裂症的女人 I've spent hundreds of days in psychiatric hospitals. 我曾经有几百天都待在精神病医院里面 I might have ended up spending most of my life on the back ward of a hospital, 也许我有可能一生大部分时间都待在医院的病房里 but that isn't how my life turned out. 但是我的人生并没有这样 In fact, I'...

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Continuing with the writings: 继续我的笔记: "The next morning I went to my professor's office to ask for an extension on the memo assignment, “第二天,我来到我教授办公室,问我能不能晚点交作业, and I began gibbering unintelligably as I had the night before, 然后喔喔喔欧开始胡言乱语,就像前一天晚上一样 and he eventually brought me to the emergency room. 他最后把我送...

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One in four people suffer from some sort of mental illness, 每四个人中就有一人患有某种精神疾病 so if it was one, two, three, four, it's you, sir. 如果说是一二三四,就是你了先生 You. Yeah. 对,是你。 With the weird teeth. And you next to him. 牙齿有点怪的那位,还有旁边那位 You know who you are. 你自己可清楚了 Actually, that whole row isn't right. 事实上那一整排都不大...

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Everything about this illness says I shouldn't be here, but I am. 任何关于此疾病都暗示我不应该在这里,但是我还是在这里. And I am, I think, for three reasons: 我觉得吧..有三个原因: First, I've had excellent treatment. 第一,我已经有了极好的治疗了 Four- to five-day-a-week psychoanalytic psychotherapy for decades and continuing, and excellent psychopharmacology. 一周四到...

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Go figure. 想想看 But I got a little bad news for you folks. I got some bad news. 我这里也有些坏消息想对你们说,我有些坏消息 This isn't for the one in four. This is for the four in four. 比例不是四分之一,而是四分之四 We are not equipped for the 21st century. 我们还没准备好过21世纪 Evolution did not prepare us for this. 进化并没有帮我们做好准备, We just don't have t...

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Go figure. 想想看 But I got a little bad news for you folks. I got some bad news. 我这里也有些坏消息想对你们说,我有些坏消息 This isn't for the one in four. This is for the four in four. 比例不是四分之一,而是四分之四 We are not equipped for the 21st century. 我们还没准备好过21世纪 Evolution did not prepare us for this. 进化并没有帮我们做好准备, We just don't have t...

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Because, you know, the one thing, one thing that you get with this disease, 因为有一样东西,得了这种病你会得到它 this one comes with a package, is you get a real sense of shame, 这是整套附送的,就是你会感到很羞耻 because your friends go, "Oh come on, show me the lump, show me the x-rays," 因为你的朋友们会说 “来,给我看看肿块,给我看看X光片” and of course you've...

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One in four people suffer from some sort of mental illness, 每四个人中就有一人患有某种精神疾病 so if it was one, two, three, four, it's you, sir. 如果说是一二三四,就是你了先生 You. Yeah. 对,是你。 With the weird teeth. And you next to him. 牙齿有点怪的那位,还有旁边那位 You know who you are. 你自己可清楚了 Actually, that whole row isn't right. 事实上那一整排都不大...

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So the following episode happened the seventh week of my first semester of my first year at Yale Law School. 接下来这件事发生在我上耶鲁大学法学院的第一学期的第七周 Quoting from my writings: 从我的笔记中: "My two classmates, Rebel and Val, and I had made the date 我的两个同学,Rebel和Val和我约了一个时间 to meet in the law school library on Friday night to work on our me...

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For years, I had resisted medication, making many, many efforts to get off. 这些年来,我一直反对用药,为此会付出一切。 I felt that if I could manage without medication, 我感觉到我不服用药物也可以保持 I could prove that, after all, I wasn't really mentally ill, it was some terrible mistake. 我想要证明,毕竟我精神上没问题,只不过是诊断上犯得错误而已 My motto was the less m...

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Schizophrenia is a brain disease. 精神分裂是一种大脑疾病 Its defining feature is psychosis, or being out of touch with reality. 它的主要症状是幻想,或者是与现实脱离 Delusions and hallucinations are hallmarks of the illness. 妄想和幻觉是这个病的标志 Delusions are fixed and false beliefs that aren't responsive to evidence, 妄想是顽固,错误和不会因为现实而改变的信仰 and hal...

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