
President Obama holds a town hall meeting with Young African Leaders from over 50 countries about the future of Africa in an interconnected world and the role of the United States as a partner with African nations.


THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, everybody, please have a seat. Have a seat.

Well, good afternoon, everybody.

AUDIENCE: Good afternoon.

THE PRESIDENT: Welcome to the White House, and welcome to the United States of America. And that includes even our friends from Ghana, who beat us in the World Cup. (Laughter.) Where are you? Over there? That’s all right. It was close. We’ll see you in 2014. (Laughter.)

It’s my great privilege to welcome all of you to this Young African Leaders Forum. You’ve joined us from nearly 50 countries. You reflect the extraordinary history and diversity of the continent. You’ve already distinguished yourselves as leaders —- in civil society and development and business and faith communities —- and you’ve got an extraordinary future before you.

In fact, you represent the Africa that so often is overlooked — the great progress that many Africans have achieved and the unlimited potential that you’ve got going forward into the 21st century.

Now, I called this forum for a simple reason. As I said when I was in Accra last year, I don’t see Africa as a world apart; I see Africa as a fundamental part of our interconnected world. Whether it’s creating jobs in a global economy, or delivering education and health care, combating climate change, standing up to violent extremists who offer nothing but destruction, or promoting successful models of democracy and development —- for all this we have to have a strong, self-reliant and prosperous Africa. So the world needs your talents and your creativity. We need young Africans who are standing up and making things happen not only in their own countries but around the world.

And the United States wants to be your partner. So I’m pleased that you’ve already heard from Secretary of State Clinton, and that we’re joined today by leaders from across my administration who are working to deepen that partnership every day.

I can’t imagine a more fitting time for this gathering. This year, people in 17 nations across Sub-Saharan Africa are proudly celebrating 50 years of independence. And by any measure, 1960 was an extraordinary year. From Senegal to Gabon, from Madagascar to Nigeria, Africans rejoiced in the streets —- as foreign flags were lowered and their own were hoisted up. So in 12 remarkable months, nearly one-third of the continent achieved independence —- a burst of self-determination that came to be celebrated as “The Year of Africa” — at long last, these Africans were free to chart their own course and to shape their own destiny.

Now, 1960, of course, was significant for another reason. Here in the United States of America it was the year that a candidate for president first proposed an idea for young people in our own country to devote a year or two abroad in service to the world. And that candidate was John F. Kennedy, and that idea would become the Peace Corps — one of our great partnerships with the world, including with Africa.



白宫新闻秘书罗伯特·吉布斯(Robert Gibbs)在7月21日的一份声明中指出:“与会代表将与美国代表及政府官员就有关青年权益、良治和经济机会等关键性的议题共同交流看法。”

这次名为“总统倡导的非洲青年领袖论坛”(The President’s Forum with Young African Leaders)的活动将于8月3日至5日分别在白宫与国务院举行,会议场所还包括华盛顿地区其他一些地点,与会代表包括美国商界领袖和非政府组织人员。代表们具体来自非洲45个国家,代表着非洲政治、经济、文化和社会各个领域。


奥巴马政府将投入大量资源以解决一些这样的问题。“为未来提供食品”(Feed the Future)的粮食保障行动计划将帮助12个非洲对象国实现农业现代化,该计划投资额为35亿美元。美国正与非洲合作伙伴进行合作,通过《非洲增长与机会法》(AGOA)充分扩大经济发展和贸易。目前《非洲增长与机会法》论坛也在同时召开年会。





代表们还将与副国务卿朱迪思·麦克黑尔(Judith McHale)和玛丽亚·奥特罗(Maria Otero)举行会谈,讨论非洲前途问题以及如何将计划设想付诸于行动。









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