美丽心灵英语美文 第3篇:拯救大卫

Saving David 拯救大卫 Years ago, when I was working as a psychologist at a children's institution in England, an adolescent boy showed up in the waiting room, it was David. 许多年前,我是英国一所儿童机构的心理医生,有一天,一个十几岁的男孩出现在候诊室,他叫大卫。 David wore a black raincoat that was buttoned all the way up to his neck. His face was pale, and he stared at...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第14篇:我的世界观

The World as I See It 我的世界观 How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose be knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then ...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第5篇:爱的等待

Waiting for Love 爱的等待 They had known each other for 3 years. Both of them were of conservative type, shy and introverted. Although he had never mentioned the word of love in her presence. She was able to vaguely detect burning passion for her in his different look. She dropped one hint after another to encourage him, but he remained big fool never dare to disclose to his...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第24篇:古埃及金字塔

3The Pyramids 古埃及金字塔 Built 4,000 years ago, the three great pyramids at Giza, in the Egy ptian desert remain the most colossal buildings over constructed.The pyramids were built by Egyptians under the orders of the Egyptian leader, whose title was Pharaoh. There was a sequence of Pharaohs culminating around 2615 B.C., with the Pharaoh Cheops who built the biggest thin...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第6篇:伸出你的友爱之手

Develop Your Own Helping Rituals 伸出你的友爱之手 If you want your life to stand for peace and kindness, it's helpful to do kind, peaceful things. One of my favorite ways to do this is by developing my own helping rituals. These little acts of kindness are opportunities to be of service and reminders of how good it feels to be kind and helpful. 如采你想让自己的生活安宁祥...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第27篇:冬日的温暖

The Warmth in Winter 冬日的温暖 Winter gives us the opportunity to stay inside and look outside, as we' re not called outdoors to enjoy the warmth and sunshine. Snuggle up in the sofa, put a blanket over you, have a cup of hot cocoa, and enjoy the observations on this precious season… 当我们没有出外享受温暖和阳光时,冬季为人们创造了一个待在室内,观察室外的机会。铺...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第20篇:万圣节

Halloween 万圣节 One story about Jack, an Irishman, who was not allowed into heaven because he was stingy with his money. So he was sent to hell. But down there he played tricks on the Devil (Satan), so he was kicked out of Hell and made to walk the earth forever carrying a lantern. 关于万圣节有这样一个故事。是说有一个叫杰克的爱尔兰人,因为他对钱特别吝啬,就不允许他进入天堂...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第1篇:最好的遗产是爱

Love is the Best Legacy 最好的遗产是爱 As a young man, Al was a skilled artist, a potter. He had a wife and two fine sons. One night, his oldest son developed a severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some common intestinal disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously. But the malady was actually acute appendicitis and the boy died suddenly that night...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第10篇:爱的基础

The Basis of Love 爱的基础 The following story took place long ago in Israel. One day when government officials were rebuilding a barn, they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. A while later they indeed saw mice running out, one after another. 很久以前,在以色列发生了一段故事:有一天当政府人员在翻新谷仓时,发现墙角有一...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第13篇:塑造我的儿子

Build Me a Son 塑造我的儿子 Build me a son, O Lord, who will be strong enough to know when he is weak, and brave enough to face himself when he is afraid; one who will be proud and unbending in honest defeat, and humble and gentle in victory. 主啊!求你塑造我的儿子,使他在软弱时,能够坚强不屈;在惧怕时能够勇敢自持,在正常的失败中,毫不气馁;在光明的胜利中,仍能保持谦逊温和。 Bu...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第25篇:尼罗河

The Nile 尼罗河 The longest river in the world, the Nile, flows through the north-western area of Africa, and then into the Mediterranean Sea. 世界上最长的河流尼罗河,流经非洲西北部,最终汇入池中海。 Great civilizations have always flourished alongside rivers, bu t the Egyptian civilization, which started on the Nile, is the most fascinating and mysterious in the history of ...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第21篇:美式烹饪

American Cook 美式烹饪 At a local superrnarket, two women push half-lilled grocery cart. The ladies are good friends, but they couldn't be more different. One is a stay-at-home housewife who loves to create culinary masterpieces from scratch. The other is a training supervisor at a prestigious advertising agency. Household chores particularly those in the kitchen, are no...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第28篇:梦想终有成真时

Dream Will Come True 梦想终有成真时 The first day of school our professor introduced a little old lady to us. 开学第一天,教授把一位小个子老太太介绍给了我们。 "Why are you in college at such a young age? " I asked later. She jokingly replied, I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have a couple of children, and then retire and travel." 随后我问道“你...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第4篇:真正的爱

One True Love 真正的爱 He never believed that true love existed. 他从不相信世上存在真正的爱。 His parents divorced when he was young and he didn't think that true love was able to survive in today's world. 年轻的时候他的父母就离婚了,他认为当今世界上真正的爱是不可能存在的。 He was proven wrong. 后来的事实证明,他错了。 His grandparents were always supportive to the k...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第15篇:美国人的婚礼

Wedding in the United States 美国人的婚礼 Weddings in the United States vary as much as the people do. There are church weddings with a great deal of fanfare; there are weddings on mountaintops with guests barefooted; and there have been weddings on the ocean floor with oxygen tanks for the guests. But many weddings, no matter where or how they are performed,include certain...

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美丽心灵英语美文 第9篇:莫待花谢时

Never Want too Long 莫待花谢时 Each spring brings a new blossom of wildflowers in the ditches along the highway I travel daily to work. 每年春天的时候,在我每天去工作的高速公路旁边的沟渠里面,都会盛开着一簇鲜艳的花朵。 There is one particular blue flower that has always caught my eye. I've noticed that it blooms only in the morning hour, the afternoon sun is too warm for...

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一位从事冶金行业的老板去拜谒一位禅师,他问:“禅师你好,我想问一下,我兢兢业业,吃苦耐劳,用最好的人才,聘请最优秀的CEO,拿出收入的一半用来给员工发工资,为什么我的事业还是做不大呢?” 听了老板的话,禅师也学著老板的腔调,眉头紧锁,一脸木然地把问题的皮球推给老板:“是啊,为什么呢?” 老板一脸痛苦状,哭笑不得地说:“禅师,都这时候了,你就别再捉弄我了。&rd...

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一些心理专家表示,随着生活节奏的加快、竞争的日益激烈,年轻白领目前已成受“心灵感冒”感染的高危人群。欲罢不能的“购物狂” 陈非两年前跳槽到了解放碑一家待遇不错的广告公司,月收入近4000元。由于工作比以前忙了,没有多少时间陪男友,一年前与相恋3年的男朋友分了手。 分手之后,陈非爱上了购物。平均每个周末都要花掉一两千元,一天花去上万元也是常有事。刚花2000元买了一套...

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