
I've just received a call from secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It's about us. On our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. 我刚从克林顿国务卿(指希拉里)那儿接到一个电话。她祝贺我们获胜。这是关于我们的事。在如此艰难漫长的竞选中,我非常感谢她和她的整个家族。 I mean she fought very hard. Hillary has worked very l...

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I can tell you this. If you were sitting where I'm sitting and you heard what I have heard at every dinner conversation, every lunch conversation, on every lone walk, you would say this woman has never been satisfied with the status quo in anything. 这么说吧。如果你是我,听到过我们每次晚餐、午餐、和散步时的对话,你就会说,这个女人从来不对任何事的现状满足。 She always wan...

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First I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now. Great people. 首先我想感谢我的父母,我知道他们现在一定在看着我。他们很棒。 I've learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard. They are truly great parents. 我也从他们身上学到了很多很多。他们各方面都很出色。他们是很棒的父母。 I also want to thank my sisters, Marianne and Eliza...

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You've all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people. 感谢你们在后面一直默默的支持我,我想说我有一个很大的团队。 You know, they kept saying we have a small staff. Not so small. 你们知道么,他们一直说我们的人很少,其实一点都不。 Look at all of the people that we have. Look at all of these people. 看看我的家族,看看我家里这...

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We have a chance this year, to reclaim our heritage as a country that dreams big and makes the impossible happen. 我们今年有一个机会,重现我们作为一个国家敢于梦想、敢于冒险的遗产。 Fortunately, Donald Trump is incapable of thinking small. 幸运的是,唐纳德·川普从不目光短浅。 When I was a child, my father always told me, Ivanka if you're going to be thinking anyway, you mi...

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My mortgage was $175 a month. 我的抵押贷款,每月需要还175美元。 When she came back, I picked up her up and I said, you remember that house you liked? 她从芝加哥回来的时候,我去接她,问她还记得你喜欢的那栋房子么? She said yeah. I said, while you were gone I bought it, you have to marry me now. 她说记得。我说你走了以后我买了那栋房子,你现在必须嫁给我。 The third time was the ...

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I want to thank my father over there for the life that he's provided me, for the life that he's provided my family, and the life that he's provided all of our employees around the world. 我想对坐在那边的父亲说,感谢你给予我生命,感谢你为家人提供的生活,感谢你为全球各地员工提供的生计。 I want to thank my father for the life that he's enabled me to provide for ...

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Finally, finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me. 最后,我还深深感谢我们的国家,感谢国家给我的一切。 I count my blessings every single day that I am an American, and I still believe, as deeply as I ever have, that if we stand together and work together with respect for our differences, strength in our convictions, and love for this nation, ou...

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If you love this country, you're working hard, you're paying taxes and you're obeying the law and you'd like to become a citizen, you should choose immigration reform over somebody that wants to send you back. 如果你们爱这个国家,你们努力工作、缴纳税费、遵守法律、想要成为美国公民,你们更要选择支持移民政策的人,而不是想要把你们遣返的人。 If you're a Muslim...

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But, the lady had special powers to make them disappear. 但是,这位女士有特异功能,能让它们都消失。 Disappear? Where did they go? Nobody knows, son. Apparently neither did she. 消失?那他们去哪了?儿子,没人知道。显然那位女士自己也不知道。 And also there were scary creatures in that forest. There were trolls. 森林里还有一些可怕的生物。那里有巨魔。 Trolls? And a fox who deliv...

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Because even though the America was a diverse land of opportunity, the monster wanted to build a big giant wall. 因为尽管美国是个机会无穷的地方,这只怪物想要盖一座巨大的城墙。 A wall? A wall to keep out boys and girls from far away lands like Mexico. Even Mexico? Especially Mexico. For the monster didn't care for anybody who wasn't like him. 一个城墙?一个可以把这座...

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To the veteran tuning into this speech from his or her hospital, who has been ignored and disrespected by an ungrateful system for far too long, my father is running for you. 对那些在医院收听这场演讲,那些长久以来被忘恩负义的体制忽视和不尊重的经验丰富的人,我父亲正在为你们而选举。 To the schoolteacher forced to walk through metal detectors each and every day into an underfun...

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Son, it's time for bed. 儿子,该上床睡觉了。 But dad, I'm having such a good game. 但是爸爸,我正玩的开心呢。 James, it's far too late for boys of your age to be up. It's 12:37 at night. James,已经半夜12:37了,你不该那么晚还没睡。 But I'm not even sleepy! Can't I have a story first? 可是我一点都不困啊!不可以先讲个故事给我听吗? Well, alright, just o...

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Vote for the candidate who can't be bought, sold, purchased, bribed, coerced, intimidated, or steered from the path that is right and just and true. 为一个不会被收买、出卖、购买、贿赂、威胁、恐吓或离开正确、公正和真实的道路的候选人投票。 And quite frankly, friends, vote for the one candidate who does not need this job. 朋友们,坦白地说,为一个不需要这个职位的候选人投票。...

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