
We had a dream of being outside for this occasion. 我们曾经想要在外边举办这个活动。 A reality intervened and we’re in here. 但现实就是这样,所以我们只能在这里。 We we live in the real world, we’re deal in the real world. 我们生活在现实世界中,面对现实世界的问题。 And I think what I was saying earlier about communications, it’s time for so...

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But we were ready to leave, we were ready to get out there. 但当时我们准备好离开了,我们准备好迈向新天地了。 And we felt very much as if we had accumulated this sort of whole wheel of Brie of knowledge. 我们觉得自己积累的全部知识,就像一整块布里奶酪一样。 Of course what I realize is actually a Swiss cheese, and those gaps in there are the point. 当然,我意识...

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And in the great tradition of these speeches, 同样,在演讲这一伟大传统中, generally what happens is the speaker says something along the lines of you need to chase your dreams. 通常情况下,演讲者会说一些类似于“你们需要追逐你们的梦想”的话。 But I’m not going to say that because I don’t believe it. 但我不会这么说,因为我不相信这一点。 I don̵...

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Thank you. It’s a tremendous honor to be here. 谢谢你们。能来到这里是我莫大的荣幸。 I know we were all hoping to be outside. 我知道我们都想在外面举办这次活动。 But in this magnificent surroundings, 不过在这个华丽的环境中, I for one am enjoying the feeling that President Eisgruber is about to get out the sorting hat. 就我个人而言,我很享受艾斯格鲁...

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And I’m supposed to tell you that the rest of your life, 我要告诉你们,在你们的余生里, you’re not going to be regretting the fact that you’ve left here. 你们不会为你们的离开而感到遗憾。 All I can really say is there’s probably a reason 25,000 alumni came back for the reunions this weekend. 我想说,这周末有25000名校友回来参加这次聚会,...

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And so much of the resources, intellectual resources, financial resources of of my generation 我们这一代人有很多的资源,知识资源、财政资源, have gone into communications infrastructure and achieved wonderful things, 都用在了通信基础设施领域并取得了惊人的成就, but perhaps not as wonderful as we claim them to be. 但是可能它并没有我们声称的那么好。 I mean, ...

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I feel that over the last couple decades, 我觉得在过去的几十年里, I feel that over time we’ve started to view reality as the poor cousin to our dreams in a sense. 我觉得随着时间的推移,在某种意义上,我们已经开始把现实看作是我们梦想的可怜陪衬。 We’ve started to think of reality as this kind of grey pebble at the center of wonderful abstract thought t...

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As a believer in the concept of Inception, 作为一个相信“奠基”这一概念的人, as a believer in the idea that you can plant the seed of, 作为一个相信能种下一个种子, a seed of an idea that will grow into something more substantial over time, 一个随着时间的推移会成长为更实质性的东西的想法的种子的人, I do feel some responsibility to try and say something to yo...

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And not to imitate one of your previous Class Day speakers Stephen Colbert, 我不打算效仿你们往届的毕业日演讲人史蒂芬·科拜尔, you know you could construe this as an insult to America. 因为你会把这理解为对美国的冒犯。 I mean we were flying over the Grand Canyon. 我是说我们当时正在飞越大峡谷。 I would go further than that I would say it’s an insult to ...

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And we use words, slippery words, like algorithm. 我们使用词汇,花哨的词汇,比如说算法这个词。 Okay, now if you hear someone use the word ‘algorithm’, 如果你听到有人用“算法”这个词, and they’re not a mathematics professor or a computer scientist, 而且他们不是数学教授,也不是计算机科学家, they’re probably trying to obscure what it i...

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