
However, that is simply not enough. 但是,这完全不够。 And I think what Herbie said-please listen, listen. 我在想Herbie的话,请听一听。 We have to listen to ourselves, first of all. 首先,我们必须聆听我们自己。 If I play, for example, holding the stick-where literally I do not let go of the stick you'll experience quite a lot of shock coming up through the arm. 举个例子...

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And so on. There is a little bit of a difference there that is worth just thinking about. 等等…但即便是有些许的不同,那也值得仔细想一想。 And I remember when I was 12 years old,and I started playing tympani and percussion, and my teacher said,Well, how are we going to do this? You know, music is about listening. 我记得在我12岁的时候,我开始演奏定音鼓和打击乐,我的老师...

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But here I'm being told that the piece of music is very quick. 但是到这里,让我看一下,这段音乐节奏很快。 I'm being told where to play on the drum. 根据乐谱,我知道该敲哪里。 I'm being told which part of the stick to use. 该用鼓棒的哪一部分演奏。 And I'm being told the dynamic. 该用怎样的强弱力度。 And I'm also being told that the drum is without snares. ...

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So there, we experience the translation. Now we'll experience the interpretation. 刚刚,我们感受了一个把乐谱翻译到乐器上的过程。 现在我们来感受一下演奏的过程。 Now my career may last a little longer! 现在我的职业生涯或许可以持续的长一点了。 But in a way, you know, it's the same if I look at you and I see a nice bright young lady with a pink top on. 但是其实是一样的,...

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Do you see what I mean? 明白我的意思吗? Whatever the eye sees, then there's always sound happening. 无论眼睛看到什么,总有声音随之进行。 So there's always, always that huge,I mean, just this kaleidoscope of things to draw from. 因此,常常会有,确切地说,千变万化的东西作为我的声音源泉。 So all of my performances are based on entirely what I experience,and not by learn...

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So for example, one of the things that we learn when we are dealing with being a percussion player, as opposed to a musician,is basically straightforward single stroke rolls. 举个例子,我们曾经学过一种演奏方法,作为一个打击乐演奏家,而并非音乐家,当我们处理音乐的时候就是最基本的单击滚奏。 Like that. And then we get a little faster and a little faster and a little faster. 像...

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Under no circumstances were they to refuse any application whatsoever on the basis of whether someone had no arms, no legs they could still perhaps play a wind instrument if it was supported on a stand. 在任何情况下,他们都不能拒绝任何申请者,仅仅基于他有没有胳膊或者腿等等,他们很可能仍然可以演奏管乐器,只要乐器支好。 No circumstances at all were used to refuse any entry. 无...

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If we see someone in a wheelchair, we assume they cannot walk. 当我们看到有人坐在轮椅上,我们就认为他们不会走路。 It may be that they can walk three, four, five steps. That, to them, means they can walk. 或许,事实上他们可以走上好几步。 而这,对他们来说,意味着。 In a year's time, it could be two extra steps. 或许一年以后,他们可以一次多走两步。 In another year's tim...

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This has not only affected how music institutions,how schools for the deaf treat sound — and not just as a means of therapy although of course, being a participator of music,that definitely is the case as well. 这不仅仅影响了聋人音乐学院处理声音的方式。 同时也不仅仅是治疗的一种方式而已,当然,作为一个音乐的参与者,我完全同意这样的观点。 But it's meant that acoustic...

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Something that's so unbelievably simple,but he would be experiencing something that I wouldn't be,because I'm on top of the sound. 一些特别简单的,但他可能感受到我所不能感受到的东西,因为我在声音的上方。 I have the sound coming this way. 声音从这个方向传来。 He would have the sound coming through the resonators. 而对他来说,声音是从共鸣器里传来的。 If there were ...

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I remember my teacher. When I first started, my very first lesson,I was all prepared with sticks, ready to go. 我记得我的一位老师,当我开始学习音乐的时候,我最早的课程,我准备好了鼓棒,信心满满。 And instead of him saying, OK, Evelyn, please, feet slightly apart,arms at a more-or-less 90 degree angle, sticks in a more-or-less V shape,keep this amount of space here, etc. 然而...

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Because of course, the ear is, I mean, subject to all sorts of things. 这当然是因为,我是说,耳朵受制于很多因素。 The room we happen to be in, the amplification, the quality of the instrument,the type of sticks … etc., etc. 我们现在所在的房间,扩音效果,乐器的音效,鼓棒,等等等等。 They're all different. 都是不一样的。 Same amount of weight, but different sound col...

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I may feel sorrowful, or happy, or exhilarated, or angry when I play certain pieces of music, but I'm not necessarily wanting you to feel exactly the same thing. 我可能觉得很悲伤,或者很高兴,或者很雀跃,或者很生气,当我演奏某段音乐的时候,但我不应该让大家感受到我的这种情绪。 So please, the next time you go to a concert,just allow your body to open up, allow your body to...

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And please try to create that through your clapping. Try. Just-please try. 然后通过拍击发出打雷般的声音,请大家试一试 Very good! Snow. Snow. Have you ever heard snow? 很好!那么下雪的声音呢,大家听过吗? No. 没有 Well then, stop clapping. Try again. 那么,停下来吧。再试一试 Try again. Snow. 试一试 ,下雪的声音 See, you're awake. 看吧,大家睡醒了 Rain. Not bad. Not bad. ...

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