奥巴马每周电视讲话:总统呼吁推动男女同工同酬 提高最低工资

Hi, everybody. 大家好! This week, I visited a community college in Florida, where I spoke with students about what we need to do to make sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American. 本周,我走访了佛罗里达州的一所社区大学,在那里我与学生们谈论了为了保证经济发展惠及所有辛勤工作的美国人,我们所需要做的事情。 More specifically, I spoke about making sure our economy...

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奥巴马每周电视讲话:副总统乔拜登呼吁提高最低工资标准 回报辛勤付出的美国人民

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm Joe Biden. 女士们先生们,我是乔拜登。 I'm filling in for President Obama, who is abroad. 我代替身在国外的奥巴马总统在此演讲。 I want to talk to you today about the minimum wage and the overwhelming need to raise the minimum wage. 我今天想跟大家谈谈最低工资标准以及提高这一标准不可阻挡的趋势。 There's no reason in the world why an American...

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Hi, everybody. 大家好。 This week, I traveled to New England, where I was joined by four governors who are working to raise the minimum wage in each of their states. 本周,我到访了新英格兰地区,支持当地四位州长提高各自州内的最低工资标准。 And they've also joined me in calling on Congress to raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. 他们也与我一起呼吁国会将最低...

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If we really want to close the gender wage gap, maybe we should start by opening up the payroll. 如果我们真的想消除性别薪资差距,可能需要从公开工资单开始。 If this is what total market failure looks like, then openness remains the only way to ensure fairness. 如果市场失灵就是这个样子,那公开透明仍是保证公平的唯一方法。 Now, I realize that letting people know wha...

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It turns out that pay transparency — sharing salaries openly across a company 结果表明,薪资透明–在整个公司中公开薪资数据 makes for a better workplace for both the employee and for the organization. 会为雇员和雇主营造更好的工作环境。 When people don’t know how their pay compares to their peers’, 当人们不知道他们同事的工资时, they&#...

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How much do you get paid? Don’t answer that out loud. 你的工资是多少?先别说出来。 But put a number in your head. 在脑子里想一下。 Now: How much do you think the person sitting next to you gets paid? Again, don’t answer out loud. 现在想想:你觉得邻座的工资是多少?也别说出来。 At work, how much do you think the person sitting in the cubicle or t...

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But why would a company even want to discourage salary discussions? 但是为什么公司会反对讨论薪资呢? Why do some people go along with it, while others revolt against it? 为什么一些人服从,而另一些人反对呢? It turns out that in addition to the assumed reasons, pay secrecy is actually a way to save a lot of money. 除了之前猜测的理由之外,对薪资保密还是省钱的良...

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That’s why Dane’s not alone. From technology start-ups like Buffer, to the tens of thousands of employees at Whole Foods, 这就是为什么像戴恩一样的人越来越多。从类似Buffer的初创科技公司,到Whole Foods这样的数万人的大公司, where not only is your salary available for everyone to see, 不但大家的薪资都透明化, but the performance data for the store and f...

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跳墙狗急火型 发工资前三天,就不断地在财务部办公室的玻璃门外嗅来嗅去,如果嗅到有工作紧张的气氛,心里就稍许安心了一点。到了发工资那天,整天焦躁不安在办公室和洗手间之间走来窜去。因为在等待已久的激动人心时刻到来的时候,为了保证心脏不跳出喉咙,人的新陈代谢功能就很旺盛。千等万等,终于以排行第一的顺序拿到工资,看都不看一眼,狂奔回家,水电费、房租费、电话费,门口小店的赊欠费,一一解...

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一、长假期间如何支付加班工资? 在7日长假中,5月1日、2日、3日是法定节假日,4日、5日、6日、7日是休息日。用人单位凡在1日到3日期间安排劳动者加班的,应按照不低于劳动者本人日或小时工资的300%支付加班工资; 4日到7日期间用人单位安排劳动者加班的,可以给劳动者安排补休而不支付加班工资,如果不给补休,则应当按照不低于劳动者本人日或小时工资的200%支付加班工资。 二、节假日与休息日的加班工资...

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应届生工资低,如何才能拿到高薪 理性分析,合理看待应届生低工资现象,究竟我们拿多少钱才合适,如何才能拿到高薪? 大学生多多少少都学过经济学,里面提到了价格在价值的基础上,受供求关系的影响,围绕价值上下波动。在目前大学生一抓一大把的情况下,企业不得不考虑降低大学生的薪资要求。而这个并非是大学生埋怨企业,企业抱怨大学生可以改变的。 企业是认为,大学生刚毕业,什么都不懂,我花点时间来...

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找暑假工谨防的三个陷阱 陷阱一:入职前收取押金、服装费、培训费等费用 有些用人单位以“统一订做服装”等理由向应聘学生收取各种费用。而且,一些骗子公司或者中介公司在向应聘学生收取上述费用后便人去楼空逃之夭夭。 我国《劳动合同法》第九条明确规定,用人单位招用劳动者,不得要求劳动者提供担保或者以其他名义向劳动者收取财物。一切用人单位收取押金、服装费、培训费等的行为都是不合法...

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1、自杀式回答: 过早的暴露你之前的,或者将自己的定得比较低。一个人之前的低薪将影响他获得一份新的工作。案例:某公司在面试后,认为他的条件和工作技巧满足新的岗位需求,但在了解到他以往的标准后,认为太低不符合他所承担的,最终将他从候选名单中删除了。 讨论薪酬时,要采用策略避开。如果应聘者被问及"你现在拿多少薪水?""你期望的薪水是多少?",不要正面回答;可以回答招聘...

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爱因斯坦一度受邀去荷兰莱顿大学执教,他对宿舍的要求是:有牛奶、饼干、水果,再加一把小提琴、一张床、一张写字台和一把椅子即可。学校当然全部满足爱因斯坦的“奢求”,爱因斯坦兴高采烈地喊道:“有了这些东西,我还需要什么?什么都不需要啦!” 后为躲避法西斯迫害,爱因斯坦移居美国,普林斯顿大学以当时最高年薪16000美元聘请他,他却说:“这么多钱?能否少一点?给我3000美元就够了!”人们大惑不解,...

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奥巴马讲话 保住工薪阶层的工资

Hi, everybody. Five years ago, after the worst financial crisis in decades, we passed historic Wall Street reform to end the era of bailouts and too big to fail. As part that reform, we created an independent Consumer Financial Protection Bureau with one mission: to protect American consumers from some of the worst practices of the financial industry.They’ve already pu...

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