好诗献给你 (56)点燃你的激情

Discover Your Passion and Purpose 点燃你的激情 Imagine that your feelings are a child within. If you ignore this child—by ignoring your feelings—this child feels abandoned. Our refusal to feel and take responsibility for our own pain is an inner abandonment and results in anxiety, depression, or inner emptiness. 想象一下,你的感情是一个藏在内心里的小孩子。如果你忽略了他——即...

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Abuse trickles down from the top of the ladder to the bottom. 从上到下,一层层的力量滥用。 Women and children, especially the poor, are at the bottom. 女性和儿童,尤其是贫穷的,就这样处于底层。 Even the most destitute of men have someone they can abuse — a woman or a child. 即使是最一无所有的男人也有人被他凌虐–常常是妇女或者儿童。 I'm fed up with the power th...

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In the green room I received my uniform. 在绿色房间中我接到了我的制服。 It was not the kind of outfit that I normally wear, but it was far from the Michelin Man suit that I had anticipated. 这并不是我平时所穿衣服的类型,但是这并不是我之前所想象的米其林男孩似的服装。 Not bad, really. I looked like a refrigerator. 实际上并不差。我看上去像台电冰箱。 But so did most of the flag-...

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So here's another tale of passion, and this is a sad one. 我再讲一个热情但是却悲伤的故事。 The place is a small women's clinic in a village in Bangladesh. The year is 2005. 这事发生在孟加拉的一个村子的小妇女诊所。时间是在2005年。 Jenny is a young American dental hygienist who has gone to the clinic as a volunteer during her three-week vacation. 珍妮是一位年轻的美国牙...

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Passion lives here. Isn't it always true? Heart is what drives us and determines our fate. 激情永驻此地。这真的永远是事实吗?心能够驱使我们并决定我们的命运。 That is what I need for my characters in my books: a passionate heart. 那是我在我的书中将要描述的角色:拥有激情的心。 I need mavericks, dissidents, adventurers, outsiders and rebels, who ask questions, bend the rule...

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What kind of world do we want? This is a fundamental question that most of us are asking. 到底我们需要怎么样的世界?这是一个我们常常扪心自问的问题。 Does it make sense to participate in the existing world order? 这对已有世界秩序行得通吗? We want a world where life is preserved and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged. 我们需要一个珍重生...

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Thank you so much. It's really scary to be here among the smartest of the smart. 非常感谢。站在你们这些绝顶聪明的人之间让我感到有一点可怕。 I'm here to tell you a few tales of passion. 我将会在这里讲述关于激情的故事。 There's a Jewish saying that I love. What is truer than truth? Answer: The story. 我很喜欢一句犹太谚语。比事实更为真实的是什么?答案:故事。 I'...

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One of the organizers of the Olympic ceremony, of the opening ceremony, 奥林匹克开幕式的一位组织者, called me and said that I had been selected to be one of the flag-bearers. 通知我被他们选中,作为一名护旗手。 I replied that surely this was a case of mistaken identity because I'm as far as you can get from being an athlete. 我立马回复说道这肯定弄错了,因为我根本就不是一...

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Mapendo, in Swahili, means great love. The protagonists of my books are strong and passionate women like Rose Mapendo. 在斯瓦希里语中马培德意味着爱。我的书中的主角都是坚韧且充满热情的妇女,正如罗斯·马培德那样。 I don't make them up. There's no need for that. I look around and I see them everywhere. 她们并非虚构。也没有必要虚构。在我身边这样的身影无处不在。 I have wor...

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Millions of women live like this today. They are the poorest of the poor. 如今还有万千上万的妇女像这样生活着。她们是真正的最穷的穷人。 Although women do two-thirds of the world's labor, they own less than one percent of the world's assets. 尽管妇女从事着世界上三分之二的劳力工作,但是她们仅仅拥有低于1%的资产。 They are paid less than men for the same work if they'...

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The best four minutes of my entire life were those in the Olympic stadium. 我一生中最伟大的四分钟就在这奥林匹克体育馆中。 My husband is offended when I say this 我的爱人听我这么描述,觉得没有受到尊重, although I have explained to him that what we do in private usually takes less than four minutes — so he shouldn't take it personally. 即使我私下跟他解释到我们的事往...

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美文阅读 (243)三种激情

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: 三种纯洁而无比强烈的激情支配着我的一生: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. 对爱情的渴望,对知识的追求,对人类苦难不可遏制的同情心。 These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, 这三种激情,就像飓风一样, in a wayward ...

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职场男人 自我激励有四招

工作效率不高、工作表现不如预期、人际关系出了问题……一些年轻上班族初入职场,各种负面因素剥夺了他们的自信,专家教职场新人4个简单的“小动作”,来帮你消除工作所带来的负面影响: 1.抓住空当,磨炼你的热情 即使一天只有15分钟也好,每天花一点时间在自己最喜欢的兴趣上,比如利用上班前和另一半吃顿早餐;晚饭后整理阳台的花花草草;或上网和计算机玩15分钟的围棋。如此会让你更容易找回对工作的热情。 2...

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如何让演讲富有激情 导读:也就是说,在如何利用时间上并没有什么放之四海而皆准的规律。每个经理人千差万别,他们有各自的目标、演讲经验,对演讲内容和听众的把握能力各异,所采用的视听设备也不同,因此"共同规律"即使有也用处不大。专家认为,更好和更现实的做法是:合理利用你能挤出的每一分钟时间。 演讲者总是抱怨准备太仓促。事实上,只要进行合理分配,时间根本不是问题。 除了雕琢核心...

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