
I began to yawn uncontrollably around Kempton Park, 我开始控制不住在坎普顿公园附近打哈欠 which apparently is what dogs also do when anxious — they yawn uncontrollably. 显然,当狗在焦虑的时候,也会情不自禁地打哈欠 And we got to Broadmoor. 之后就到了布罗德莫精神病院 And I got taken through gate after gate after gate after gate into the wellness center, 然后我又不停地穿过...

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And they tried everything they had. 住院后,医生尽其所能。 They tried the usual psychotherapy. 他们试了常规的心理疗法, They tried every medication available in those days. 也尝试了那个时候所有可能的药物。 And they did have Tofranil and other things — Mellaril, who knows what. 他们用了盐酸丙咪嗪和其他药-,硫醚嗪,谁知道。 Nothing happened except that I got jaundiced fro...

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Well, he said, "Can't we try a course of electroshock therapy?" “难道我们不能尝试一下点击疗法吗?” And you know why they agreed? They agreed to humor him. 你知道他们为什么同意了?他们不想和他争执。 They just thought, "Well, we'll give a course of 10. 他们想,就试10次电疗吧。 And so we'll lose a little time. Big deal. It doesn't make any differe...

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For years, I had resisted medication, making many, many efforts to get off. 这些年来,我一直反对用药,为此会付出一切。 I felt that if I could manage without medication, 我感觉到我不服用药物也可以保持 I could prove that, after all, I wasn't really mentally ill, it was some terrible mistake. 我想要证明,毕竟我精神上没问题,只不过是诊断上犯得错误而已 My motto was the less m...

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So in his kitchen — he was standing there with his wife, Judy, and his bodyguard Sean 话说在厨房,他正和妻子Judy站在一起,还有他的保镖Sean and I said, "You know how I said in my email that you might have a special brain anomaly that makes you special?" 然后我会说,“你记得我在电邮里写的关于你有一颗让你出众的独特奇异的大脑吗?” He said, "Yeah, it's an ...

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Data. Data is inherently unsexy, but it can jumpstart an area's recovery. 看看数据。数据一向很枯燥,但能极大推动一个地区的重建 FEMA and the state will pay 85 percent of the cost of a federally declared disaster, FEMA和所在州会支付联邦宣布的灾害事件85%的损失 leaving the town to pay last 15 percent of the bill. 其余15%需要城镇自行承担 Now that expense can be huge, 这笔支出...

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Three years ago, I was standing about a hundred yards from Chernobyl nuclear reactor number four. 三年前,我站在距离切尔诺贝利第四号核子反应炉大约一百码外。 My Geiger counter dosimeter, which measures radiation, was going berserk, 我的盖革放射量测定器,用来测量辐射量,指数狂飙, and the closer I got, the more frenetic it became, and frantic. My God. 当我越接近,机器的反应越...

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Schizophrenia is a brain disease. 精神分裂是一种大脑疾病 Its defining feature is psychosis, or being out of touch with reality. 它的主要症状是幻想,或者是与现实脱离 Delusions and hallucinations are hallmarks of the illness. 妄想和幻觉是这个病的标志 Delusions are fixed and false beliefs that aren't responsive to evidence, 妄想是顽固,错误和不会因为现实而改变的信仰 and hal...

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Many people have harmed me in my life, and I remember them all, 我这一生被许多人伤害过,而且我都记得 but the memories grow pale and faint in comparison with the people who've helped me. 但相较于受人恩惠,那些不堪回首的事就显得依稀模糊了 The fellow survivors, the fellow voice-hearers, the comrades and collaborators; 那些同病相怜的过来人、朋友和伙伴 the mother who never ga...

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I'm now very proud to be a part of Intervoice, 身为“众声喧哗”的一员,我引以为荣! the organizational body of the International Hearing Voices Movement, 它是国际听声组织的筹划单位 an initiative inspired by the work of Professor Marius Romme and Dr. Sandra Escher, 在Sandra Escher博士和Marius Romme教授的著作启发下成立 which locates voice hearing as a survival strategy, a san...

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Is it unrealistic for them to hope or think that that child loves them, as some might, as most, wish? 对于家长来说,他们希望或者认为自己的孩子也许能够爱他们,这是不是比较不现实? Well let me tell you, that child will be loyal, 假如家长这么做,孩子会变得很孝顺 and if your house is burning down, they're going to get you out of it. 假如家里着火了,他们会把你救出来 Wow. So, ...

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Let's just look at something like, you know, 我们不妨看一个具体的问题 solving problems with making airlines safer. 比如如何让飞行变得更加安全 Yeah, I'm a million-mile flyer. 没错,我自己就经常要坐飞机 I do lots and lots of flying, 我飞过的里程超过一百万英里 and if I was at the FAA, what would I be doing a lot of direct observation of? 假如我是在法国航空联盟,我会特别...

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And there's a book — John Gartner. 有本书–约翰·加特纳著的。 John Gartner wrote this book called "The Hypomanic Edge" 约翰·加特纳写过这本名叫“轻度躁狂边缘”的书 in which Christopher Columbus and Ted Turner and Steve Jobs 在书里克里斯托夫·哥伦布,特德·特纳和史蒂夫·乔布斯 and all these business minds have this edge to compete. 和所有这些商业头脑都有这种...

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My name is Joshua Walters. 我叫约书亚·沃尔特斯。 I'm a performer. 我是名表演者。 But as far as being a performer, I'm also diagnosed bipolar. 但远在我成为表演者之前,我也被诊断为双向人格障碍症患者。 I reframe that as a positive 我把这病症重塑为一个积极方面, because the crazier I get onstage, the more entertaining I become. 因为我在台上越疯狂,我变得更加娱乐化。 When...

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And things got better and better, 状况变得越来越好, and within three or four months, 三四个月后, I was discharged from that hospital, and I joined a group of surgeons 我出院并加入外科医师团体 where I could work with other people in the community, not in New Haven, but fairly close by. 我可以和其他人共事,并不在康州纽黑文市,但很近. I stayed there for three years. 在那里我...

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So I'm here to tell you a story of success from Africa. 在这里,我要跟大家分享一个在非洲的成功故事。 A year and a half ago, 一年半以前 four of the five people who are full time members at Ushahidi, 在这里的5个人是Ushahidi的专职委员 which means "testimony" in Swahili, were TED Fellows. “Ushahidi”在斯瓦希利语里的意思是“证据”,其中4个人是TED的同道中人 A year ago i...

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Hare said the reason why is because capitalism at its most ruthless rewards psychopathic behavior Hare解释说原因来自资本主义的冷酷无情造就了精神疾病的行为 the lack of empathy, the glibness, cunning, manipulative. 缺乏同理心,口若悬河,狡猾,控制欲强 In fact, capitalism, perhaps at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy. 事实上,或许冷酷无情的资本主...

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Now, notice, something interesting — 接下来有意思的事情来了 Well, I should tell you about the Supreme Court first. 哦,我先说一下最高法院的审理结果吧 The Supreme Court decided. 最高法院判定: What do you suppose they said? 你们猜是怎样? They said yes, that Casey Martin must be provided a golf cart. 最高法院同意了马丁的请求,判决他可以使用高尔夫球车 Seven to two, they ...

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Well, I survived, and that just leaves me with my story, 嗯,我活下来了,那让我跟我的故事并存, and my story is this: 我的故事是: In four simple words, I suffer from depression. 简单的四个字,患抑郁症。 I suffer from depression, and for a long time, I think, 我患上抑郁症,在很长时间,我想, I was living two totally different lives, where one person was always afraid of the ...

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So, I just started playing. 于是,我开始拉琴 And I played the first movement of the Beethoven Violin Concerto. 我演奏了贝多芬小提琴协奏曲的第一乐章 And as I played, I understood that there was a profound change occurring in Nathaniel's eyes. 当我演奏的时候,我知道Nathaniel的眼睛里有一种奥妙的变化 It was as if he was in the grip of some invisible pharmaceutical, 好象他抓...

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