美文故事之找谁倚靠 (23)与我同行 Walk with me

Walk with me 与我同行 Walk with me, the path of life, 与我同行,沿着生活之路, To explore every bend of the road; 走遍每个角落, Enjoy with me the beauty of life, 与我共享生活之乐, Along its wonderful way. 沿着那条精彩的路。 Find comfort with me, in each other’s arms, 你我互相抚慰, When grief crosses our path; 当悲伤出现在途中...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (21)木匠的房子 The carpenter's house

The carpenter’s house 木匠的房子 An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. 一位年迈的木匠准备退休了。 He told his employer-contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. 他告诉他的老板他准备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休闲的生活,享受天伦之乐。 He...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (22)你可以让每一个人开心

You can please everybody 你可以让每一个人开心 Peter’s uncle lived in the country. 彼得的叔叔住在乡下。 Once Peter went to stay with him for a few weeks. 彼得有一次和他叔叔在一起住了段时间。 Whenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, his uncle waved. 当他们出去散步或者开车经过路人时,他的叔叔都会挥手。 Pete...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (6)如向日葵般高高站立 Stand tall like the sunflower

Stand tall like the sunflower 如向日葵般高高站立 I find it humorous sometimes that even the most mundane occurrences can have an impact on our awareness. 有时候我觉得很有意思,甚至连最平凡的事情都能够对我们的认识产生影响。 My wife, daughter, and I moved into our home nine years ago and we spent a lot of time and energy in the yard to get it looking like it does today. 九年前...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (33)逆风飞扬

Oprah Winfrey is one of the most exciting, highest paid,andbest-loved celebrities in American . She is also the country’stoptelevision a talk show host. 欧普拉·温芙芮是美国最令人激动的、薪水最高的和最受人喜爱的知名人士之一,她还是全国顶级脱口秀节目主持人、非常优秀的女演员和成功的制片人。 Oprah Winfrey is a very fineactressand a successful producer. She is a living example of...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (24)赠予的火光 The given light

The given light 赠予的火光 Once upon a time, a man had heard that in a foreign place, far away, there was a holy flame burning. 从前,有一个人听说在一个遥远的地方,有一堆圣火在燃烧。 So he got up and left his home to find the holy flame and bring some of its light back home to his house. 所以他就动身离家,前去寻找,希望能给自己带回一些圣火的光亮。 He thought: When I have thi...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (14)生活就像一盒巧克力

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, “Mother, you must come see the daffodils before they are over.” I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. 好几次了,我女儿打电话来说:“妈妈,你务必得在那些水 仙花凋谢之前来看看它们。”我是想去,可从拉古娜到箭头湖要开两个小时的车。 “I will come next Tuesday,” I promised, a little reluctantly, on h...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (8)热情成就未来

Years ago, when I started looking for my first job, wise advisers urged, “Barbara, be enthusiastic! Enthusiasm will take you further than any amount of experience.” 乡年前, 当我第一次找工作时,不少明智之士强烈向我建议:“巴巴拉,要有热情!热情比任何经验都更有益。” How right they were. Enthusiastic people can tum a boring drive into an adventure, extra work into op...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (19)生命就是小甜饼

One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that before his cancer he would become depressed unless things went a certain way. Happiness was “having the cookie.” If you had the cookie, things were good. 我有一位病人,他是一个成功的商人,告诉我,在他患癌症之前,凡事如果没有确定下来他就忧心忡忡。对他而言,幸福是“拥有小甜饼”。 If you didn’t have the...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (26)最后的告别 Last respects

Last respects 最后的告别 One day not too long ago the employees of a large company in St.Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door. 不久前的一天,密苏里州圣路易斯市一家大公司的员工午休回到公司时,看见公司前门上贴着一则告示, The sign said: Yesterday the person who has been hindering your growth in this company pa...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (27)爱是所有问题的答案

Love is the answer to every question. 爱是所有问题的答案。 Why are we here? —Love. 我们为何来到这个世界上?因为爱。 Where do we come from? —Love. 我们从哪里来?来自爱。 How do we create world peace? —Love. 我们怎么创造世界和平?通过爱。 It may sound overly simplistic to the modern human being, since we want to analyze and look for complex answers to q...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (28)生活是一个自己动手的项目

An elderly carpenter was ready to retire. He told his employer contractor of his plans to leave the house building business and live a more leisurely life with his wife enjoying his extended family. 一位年迈的木匠准备退休了。他告诉他的老板他准备离开建筑业的打算,他说他想和他的妻子过一种更休闲的生活,享受天伦之乐。 He would miss the paycheck,but he needed to retire. Th...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (32)密西西比的回忆 Memories of the Mississippi

Memories of the Mississippi 密西西比的回忆 After Mom died, Dad and I took a trip together every summer, just the two of us, father and daughter. 母亲去世后,我和父亲每个夏天都会一起旅行,就我们两个人,一个父亲,一个女儿。 This was especially meaningful because Dad was aging and we lived two thousand miles apart—so a week with Dad, undistracted from other family ...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (6)生命中的五个球

In a university commencement address several years ago, Brian Dyson, CEO of Coca Cola Enterprises, spoke of the relation of work to one’s other commitments: 几年前,在一所大学的开幕典礼中,可口可乐的首席执行官布赖恩?戴森讲到工作与其他义务的关系: Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air. You name them work, family, health, frien...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (31)阳光般的微笑 Sun smile

Sun smile 阳光般的微笑 The sun shone brightly on the ground in front of her feet as she pondered the reality of light. 太阳光芒四射地照耀这她脚前这片大地。她在沉思,思考着阳光是怎么一回事: How did light get here? Who made it and why? 它是怎么来到这儿的?谁让它来的?来做什么? She instinctively stepped into the sun spot and instantly felt warmer, brighter, and...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (12)镜中的女人

When I was 11, I found out I had a brain tumor. I had surgery to remove it, but the size and location of the tumor caused my optic nerve to atrophy. For three years afterward, I had partial sight, but my ophthalmologist told me that eventually I would go blind. 11岁那年,我被诊断患有脑瘤。手术切除了脑疱.但肿瘤 的大小和位置却导致了我的视觉神经萎缩。3年后,我还能看见 一点...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (34)心中有目标 风雨不折腰

I used to watch her from my kitchen window, she seemed so small as she muscled her way through the crowd of boys on the playground. 我以前常常从厨房的窗户看到她穿梭于操场上的一群男孩子中间,她显得那么矮小。 The school was across the street from our home and I would often watch the kids as they played during recess. 学校在我家的街对面,我可以经常看到孩子们在下课时间...

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美文故事之找谁倚靠 (19)水仙花法则 The daffodil principle

The daffodil principle 水仙花法则 Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over. 女儿打来好几次电话跟我说:妈妈,水仙花凋落之前,你一定得来看看。 I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. 我委实想去,只是从拉古纳到箭头湖得2个小时的路程。 I will come next Tu...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (37)钢琴诗人—肖邦

Frederic Francois Chopin, Polish-born composer and renowned pianist, was the creator of 55 mazurkas, 13 polonaises, 24 preludes, 27 etudes, 19 nocturnes, 4 ballads, and 4 scherzos. 肖邦是近代浪漫派的抒情音乐家,他在音乐史中,是一位神秘、爱国而最富于诗意生命的钢琴家。他一生创作了 55 部马祖卡舞曲,13 部波罗涅滋,24 首序曲,27 首练习曲,19 首夜曲,4 首叙事曲以及 4 部诙谐曲...

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那些给我勇气的双语美文 (22)生命中的砖头

A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something. 一位年轻的总裁,以有点快的车速,开着他的新 Jaguar 经过住宅区的巷道。他必须小心游戏中的孩子突然跑到路中央,所以当他觉得小孩子快跑出来时,就要减慢...

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