双语美文之似水流年 (67)冬日漫步(5)
Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour.
There is not so much sound as in fair weather, but silently and gradually every slope, and the gray walls and fences, and the polished ice, and the sere leaves, which were not buried before, are concealed, and the tracks of men and beasts are lost.
周围几乎听不到任何声音,比好天气的日子更加宁静。可是,渐渐地,山坡、灰墙和篤笛、光完的冰还有枯叶, 所有原来没有被白雪覆盖的,现在都被埋住了,人和动物的足迹也消失了。
With so little effort does nature reassert her rule and blot out the trace of men.
Hear how Homer has described the same:“ The snowflakes fall thick and fast on a winter’s day.
The winds are lulled, and the snow falls incessant, covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills, and the plains where the lotus tree grows, and the cultivated fields, and they are falling by the inlets and shores of the foaming sea, but are silently dissolved by the waves.”
风停了,雪下个不停,覆盖了山顶和丘陵,覆盖了长着酸枣树的平原和耕地;在波澜壮阔的海湾海岸边,雪也纷 纷地下着,只是雪花落到海里,就被海水悄无声息地融化了。”
The snow levels all things, and infolds them deeper in the bosom of nature, as, in the slow summer, vegetation creeps up to the entablature of the temple, and the turrets of the castle, and helps her to prevail over art.
白雪充塞了所有的事物,使万物平等,把它们深深地裹在自然 的怀抱里;就像漫漫夏季里的植被,爬上庙宇的柱顶,爬上堡垒的角楼,覆盖人类的艺术品。
亨利·戴维·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862),美国作家、哲学家,超验主义代表人物,也是一位废奴主义及自然主义者,有无政府主义倾向,曾任职土地勘测员。毕业于哈佛大学,曾协助爱默生编辑评论季刊《日晷》。写有许多政论,反对美国与墨西哥的战争,一生支持废奴运动。其思想深受爱默生影响,提倡回归本心,亲近自然。1845年,在距离康科德两英里的瓦尔登湖畔隐居两年,自耕自食,体验简朴和接近自然的生活,以此为题材写成的长篇散文《瓦尔登湖》(1854),成为超验主义经典作品。梭罗才华横溢,一生共创作了二十多部一流的散文集,被称为自然随笔的创始者,其文简练有力,朴实自然,富有思想性,在美国19世纪散文中独树一帜。而《瓦尔登湖》在美国文学中被公认为是最受读者欢迎的非虚构作品。其他作品有政论《论公民的不服从义务》(1849)、《没有规则的生活》(1863),游记《马萨诸塞自然史》、《康科德及梅里马克河畔一周》、《缅因森林》等。
1.slumber v.微睡,睡眠;蛰伏,处于静止状态
But how does slumber present us with answers?
The products claim that a flat, featureless, continuous sound somehow encourages slumber.
2.infernal a.地狱的;阴间的;地狱似的
I will see him in infernal affairs soon.
Goodbye policeman goodbye in infernal affairs piano.
3.elixir n.炼金药,长生不老药
Your elixir must become, so to speak, the spirit of the age.
It’s not the air, it’s healing elixir!
4.ascend v.攀登;继承;占领
He could then ascend to the prime ministerial job after elections in 2014.
Ascend the elevator at h-8 and prepare to kill or invis by the orcs roaming outside the house.