Five in China and five here? And I said, he’s a strong, bright man.
五天在中国 五天在这里 我说 他是一个强大且聪明的人
But he has the look of a man who’s about to take on a job he’s not at all sure is going to end well.
但他和所有即将接手新工作的人一样 完全不确定一切是否会顺利
I mean that seriously We are so well-positioned.
我是认真的 我们正处于非常有利的位置
We are so well-positioned to lead the world in the 21st century that we have to take advantage of it.
我们做好了主导二十一世纪世界的准备 我们需要好好利用这一点
And you — this is not hyperbole — you.
而你们 毫不夸张 你们
All those receiving your graduate and undergraduate degrees today are the people that are gonna make it possible.
所有今天毕业的研究生和本科生 将让这成为可能
So I say to you, congratulations and very good luck, Class of 2013 Show us what you can do.
我向你们表示祝贺 预祝你们好运 2013届毕业生 向我们展示你们的能力
Because you will be able to do more and live through a period of change more rapid and exhilarating and exciting than.
因为你们有能力担负更大责任 你们有能力跨越这个比以往任何时候
Any generation in the history of the world I’m just happy I’m gonna be along for part of the ride.
变化都更迅猛 更令人兴奋的时代 我很高兴能够加入到你们当中来
God bless you all and may God protect our troops
愿上帝保佑你们 愿上帝保佑我们的军队