
We’re on the cusp of innovations that will literally change the world.

我们处在创新的最前沿 毫不夸张 这将改变世界

And some of the people who I had the honor of being honored with today with degrees can tell you more about this than I can.

在座同我一同接受这一学位殊荣的人 关于这些 能告诉你们更多

Because they’re already changing the world we live in A world where there’d be superconductors capable.

因为他们已经在改变我们所生活的世界 未来世界将拥有超导体设备

Of performing a million trillion calculations per second which is one-hundred times faster than any computer on Earth today.

每秒将能够执行一百亿亿次计算 这比如今地球上最强大的计算机还快一百倍

It will revolutionize science, medicine, applied technology 3-D printers able to restore tissue after traumatic injury and restore .

这将变革科学 医药 应用技术 3D打印机将能够帮助受伤者恢复身体组织

Skin damaged by fire to unblemished skin The ability to regenerate organs and limbs that have been damaged or lost.

被烧伤者将能重获完美无瑕的肌肤 受损或失去的器官和四肢将能够再生

Saving tens of thousands of lives and restoring our wounded warriors to their full capabilities.

这能挽救数以万计的生命 能让受伤的战士们恢复到正常人的状态

The ability in the near term of being able to engineer your white blood cells to attack cancer tumors and leave healthy cells untouched.

不久的将来 白细胞将能够得以改造 用于攻击癌细胞 并让健康细胞不受损害

Allowing cancer patients to live out their lives without undergoing difficult and painful chemotherapy and radiation procedures.

让癌症患者能够过好生活 而不至于遭受化疗 放疗等痛苦治疗的折磨

The ability to sequence the entire human genome in under an hour delivering rapid, personalized medicine.

人类基因组将能够在一小时之内测序完成 这将能为个人快速定制药物





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