TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(4)

I'll give you an analogy. 让我给你一个例子。 Do you remember that Loony Tunes cartoon where there's this pathetic coyote who's always chasing and never catching a roadrunner? 你记得卡通里那个总是在追逐却从未抓到猎物的土狼吗? In pretty much every episode of this cartoon, 几乎在每一集里, there's a moment where the coyote is chasing the roadrunner and the road...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(1)

So it's 1995, I'm in college, and a friend and I go on a road trip from Providence, Rhode Island to Portland, Oregon. 当时是95年,我在上大学,我和一个朋友开车去玩,从罗得岛的普罗旺斯区出发到奥勒冈州的波特兰市。 And you know, we're young and unemployed, so we do the whole thing on back roads through state parks and national forests 我们年轻,无业,于是整个旅程都在...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(8)

Last year, for various reasons, I found myself listening to a lot of episodes of the Public Radio show This American Life. 因为一些缘故,去年我在广播上听了很多集的“我们的美国人生”。 And so I'm listening and I'm listening, and at some point, I start feeling like all the stories are about being wrong. 我听着听着,突然发现这些故事全和犯错有关。 And my first thought was,...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(9)

But, you know, our stories are like this because our lives are like this. 但,故事会这样写是因为人生就是这样。 We think this one thing is going to happen and something else happens instead. 我们以为某些事情会这样发生,发生的却是其它事。 George Bush thought he was going to invade Iraq, find a bunch of weapons of mass destruction, 乔治·布什以为他入侵伊拉克会找到大规模毁灭性武...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(6)

This internal sense of rightness that we all experience so often 我们心中时常感觉到的理直气壮的感觉, is not a reliable guide to what is actually going on in the external world. 在真实世界中并不是个可靠的向导。 And when we act like it is, and we stop entertaining the possibility that we could be wrong, 当我们依此行事,不再思考我们是否犯错, well that's when we end up doi...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(3)

I think this is a problem. I think it's a problem for each of us as individuals, in our personal and professional lives, 我认为这是个问题。我认为这是每个人私人生活和职业生活中的问题, and I think it's a problem for all of us collectively as a culture. 我认为我们身为群体,这也造成了文化问题。 So what I want to do today is, first of all, talk about why we get stuck ins...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(7)

This attachment to our own rightness keeps us from preventing mistakes when we absolutely need to and causes us to treat each other terribly. 我们的自以为是,让我们在最需要的时候无法预防犯错,更让我们互相仇视。 But to me, what's most baffling and most tragic about this is that it misses the whole point of being human. 对我来说,最大的悲剧是它让我们错失了身为人的珍贵意义...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(5)

We learn these really bad lessons really well. 我们很早就得到这些错误信息。 And a lot of us — and I suspect, especially a lot of us in this room 而我们,尤其是这个大厅里的许多人, deal with them by just becoming perfect little A students, perfectionists, over-achievers. 都因此成为好学生,拿全A、完美主义、永不满意。 Right, Mr. CFO, astrophysicist, ultra-marathoner? 不是...

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TED演讲之败中求胜 犯错的价值(2)

I've spent the last five years of my life thinking about situations exactly like this 过去的五年,我一直在思考刚刚我所描述的状况, why we sometimes misunderstand the signs around us, and how we behave when that happens, and what all of this can tell us about human nature. 为什么我们会对身边的征兆产生误解,当误解发生时我们作何反应,以及这一切所告诉我们的人性。 In other wo...

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美文阅读 (276)愿你爱的 是值得你爱的人

I know you really like him. 我知道你真的很喜欢他。 I see the way you look at him when you thought no one else was looking. 你以为没人注意着,我却看到了你看他的方式。 He's different, you say. 你说,他不一样。 For whatever reasons they are, one look into his dark, mesmerizing eyes and you are lost. 无论有什么样的理由,当你看向他深邃的眼睛,你就迷失了方向。 When he flashes ...

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一般来说,(个人的)兴趣和爱好,通常被称之为“业余的”。 它的言外之意是说,纯粹的业余的个人兴趣和爱好,对于企业组织来说是没有管理价值的。它的真实意义是说,现代企业是一个组织,它必须拥有确定性的组织目标,同时,企业组织必须采取某种绩效考核方法,来衡量个人对于企业组织的贡献,假如不是如此的话,那么,一个现代企业组织将由此而变得“四分五裂”。 从这个意义来说,...

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管理需要成本,这是不争的事实。但是,不论是行政单位还是企业,在计算管理成本时大都是计算一些人、物等看得见、摸得着的有形的东西,很少有甚至几乎没有把一些无形的东西计算进去,其中,信任就是一个被遗漏的最有价值的管理成本。 在当今纷繁的社会中,任何人都需要大家的帮助、合作,而信任是前提,没有了信任,就不可能有真正的团结和良好的合作。对于一个企业来说,信任也是一个绕不过去而又很难有标...

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成功是一种习惯,失败也是一种习惯。你的习惯无法改变,但可以用好的习惯来替代。成功很简单,只要简单的事情重复做,养成习惯,如此而已。以下是成功者十三个价值连城的习惯,我们称之为“百万元的习惯”。 习惯一:成功者清楚地了解他做每一件事情的目的。 成功者虽重视事情的结果,但更重视事情的目的,而目的的清楚则有助于他达到结果并且享受过程; 习惯二:成功者下决定迅速果断,之后若要...

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大卫有两个小孩,一个5岁,一个7岁。 一天,他教7岁的孩子凯利怎样使用瓦斯驱动的割草机。当他正在教他如何在草地尽头将割草机掉头时,他的妻子叫他接电话。大卫刚刚转身,凯利由于控制不住割草机的抖动,把割草机推到了草坪边的花圃上,所过之处,大约2尺宽的一片花草已被夷为平地。 大卫回头发现发生的一切之后,非常生气。这是他花了很多时间和精力,好不容易侍弄出的令邻居们羡慕的花圃。他开始对儿子...

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