
I was so scared that day, a day I will never forget. 那天我非常害怕,我永远不会忘记的一天。 So, why do I do what I do? 然而,我为什么要这么做呢? I do it because I believe if I didn't, a huge part of the story about Gaza will be missing. 我这么做,因为我相信如果我不,将失去加沙的这个新闻的一大部分。 There are some more stories I could tell you about my country. 我可以告...

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Hello. This is my first trip, first time in life I'm outside of the walls of Gaza. 大家好,这是我的第一次旅行,人生中第一次离开加沙地带 I'm so happy to be here. 能来到这里我非常高兴 My ambition always was to be a pilot, to fly a plane, to feel free to fly the sky, to touch the sky. 一直以来,我的志向是成为一名飞行员,去开飞机,从而去感受空中飞翔的自由,与天空为伍。 B...

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When my children were small and we heard the sound of the war, 我的孩子们还很小时,每当我们听到战争的声音 I used to tell them that they were fireworks. 我都会告诉他们,那是烟火。 Now they are older, they understand. 但他们现在长大了,他们懂了。 I do have terrible nightmares because of all that I witnessed during war times, 我开始做噩梦,因为在战争期间我所见证的 especially th...

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In the tradition of the Palestinian society, 在传统的巴勒斯坦社会, it's forbidden for men to enter the household. 禁止男人进入家门 So, no male journalists get the story. But I did. 因此,没有男性记者能进行采访。但是,我可以。 I have a wonderful husband, 我的丈夫非常棒, a wonderful husband who supports me despite all the criticism he gets from the society. 他支持我,尽...

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Navigating through my country helping journalists, filmmakers, news crews, is my working life. 在我的国家为记者、电影制作者、新同伴做导航,是我的工作 I believe my success comes from building a relationship 我相信我的成功是因为建立了关系 not only with journalists and the news crews, 不仅仅是和记者、新同伴们, but also with the communities in the Gaza Strip. 更是和加沙地带的社...

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