
(Applause.) Thank you very much. And I’m so late you probably thought you weregoing to hear from the 48th Vice President of the United States. (Laughter.) I apologize. I always, when I’mlate at home, always blame it on the President. But I can’t do that today, and I apologize for keeping you waiting. I remember 220 years ago, when Iwas in college, you only had to wait 10 min...

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Good morning, everyone. This past week, we've seen the best and the worst of humanity. The heinous terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, in Iraq and Nigeria. They showed us once again the depths of the terrorist's depravity. And at the same time, we saw the world come together in solidarity. Parisians opening their doors to anyone trapped in the street, taxi drivers...

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Good morning, everyone. This past week, we've seen the best and the worst of humanity. The heinous terrorist attacks in Paris and Beirut, in Iraq and Nigeria. They showed us once again the depths of the terrorist's depravity. And at the same time, we saw the world come together in solidarity. Parisians opening their doors to anyone trapped in the street, taxi drivers...

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As my brother Jim would say, “go figure” International terrorism, stateless actors, pandemic disease. 我兄弟吉姆竟然说 “没人说得清” 国际恐怖主义 无国籍行动者 大范围流行病 A political movement that can be organized from your cell phone Twitter can literally unleash a revolution. 一场政治运动可以由你们的手机来组织 毫不夸张 推特能够发动一场革命...

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With regard to the LGBT community fundamental –. 的态度 发生了根本的改观 根本的 Now an absolute majority of the American people are fully supportive of extending all rights to the LGBT community. 现在 美国绝大多数人 都支持赋予LGBT群体所有的平等权利 Including the right to choose who they marry Eleven states have already moved on marriage equality. 包括选...

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When you see the headlines in the Wall Street Journal of November this past year about “widespread fiscal and economic uncertainty, “ 去年11月华尔街日报的头条也说 “遍布全国的财政和经济不确定性” I remember the headline in April of ’68, the same publication that said “US in worst fiscal crisis since 1931” 我记得68年4月这份报...

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We’re on the cusp of innovations that will literally change the world. 我们处在创新的最前沿 毫不夸张 这将改变世界 And some of the people who I had the honor of being honored with today with degrees can tell you more about this than I can. 在座同我一同接受这一学位殊荣的人 关于这些 能告诉你们更多 Because they’re already changing the world we live in A ...

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Self-driving automobiles reducing traffic fatalities by 80% while freeing up our commute time. 自动驾驶汽车将减少80%的交通死亡率 并减少通勤时间 A world in which hunger is vanquished by crops that don’t need soil, water, fertilizer, or pesticides to thrive. 世界范围内饥饿将不再发生 作物将不再需要土壤 水 肥料 农药就能茁壮成长 I’m not making this up The...

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We have the best universities in the world we have a legal system that is open and fair. 我们有世界最好的大学 我们有开放公正的法律体系 We have the most agile venture capitalists in the world we lead the world in innovation and technology. 我们有世界上最敏锐的风险投资者 我们引领着世界的创新和科技 All for a simple basic reason Steve Jobs, speaking at Stanford. ...

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Prosthetic legs that are able to climb mountains prosthetic arms able to play the piano. 假腿能够爬山 假臂能够弹钢琴 I’ve watched just in the last four years visiting well over 1, 500 amputees. 我在过去四年中看到了很多 我造访了1500名截肢患者 The radical change that is taking place, restoring them to full capacity and it’s only now just beginning. ...

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No graduating class gets to choose the world into which they graduate Every graduating class faces unique challenges. 没有哪一届毕业生 能够选择自己要踏入的世界 每一届毕业生都面临独特的挑战 Every class enters the history that up to this point has been written for you But few enter at a point. 每一届都会进入到之前已经写好的历史中 但很少有人能够 Where they genuinel...

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The Vietnam War was raging and in the shadow of my convention, Robert Kennedy was assassinated. 越南战争还在肆虐 正值我毕业之时 罗伯特.肯尼迪遇刺身亡 Our political system was in chaos But as we strode across that stage to receive our diplomas. 我们的政治系统乱作一团 但我们跨越了获得学位时的这段时期 To a person we were absolutely confident that the naysayers were...

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Five in China and five here? And I said, he’s a strong, bright man. 五天在中国 五天在这里 我说 他是一个强大且聪明的人 But he has the look of a man who’s about to take on a job he’s not at all sure is going to end well. 但他和所有即将接手新工作的人一样 完全不确定一切是否会顺利 I mean that seriously We are so well-positioned. 我是认真的 我们正...

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And they’re wrong about yours Graduates. 关于你们这一代 同样会如此 毕业生们 There’s the statement of history it’s never ever been a good bet to bet against America. 这是历史的叙述 把赌注都压在美国失败上 永远都不是很好的策略 And it’s a very bad bet to bet against your generation You’re the most competent, capable, caring generation. ...

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乔·拜登演讲 Tax Cuts & Unemployment Insurance

Remarks of Vice President Joe BidenAs Prepared for DeliveryWeekly AddressDecember 4, 2010 Hi, this is Joe Biden. I’m filling in for President Obama this weekend because he’s on his way back from Afghanistan, where he was spending some time with the brave men and women of our Armed Forces.It’s tough to be far from home during the holidays, especially in a wa...

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乔拜登讲话 呼吁免除社区大学学费

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Joe Biden and I’m here filling in for President Obama, who is traveling abroad. And I’m here with a simple message: middle-class economics works. Our economy has gone from crisis to recovery to now to resurgence-with the longest streak of consecutive job growth ever recorded in the history of this country and more than all other adva...

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拜登讲话 为中产阶级提供机会

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Joe Biden, I’m filling in for President Obama, while he addresses the NATO summit in Wales. When the President and I took office in January of 2009, this nation was in the midst of the greatest economic crisis since the great depression. Our economy had plummeted at a rate of 8% in a single quarter-part of the fastest economic decline any ...

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