
Fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace. 命运已经落定,为了和平而前往探索月球的人将在月球上安息。 These brave men, Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin, know that there is no hope for their recovery. 这些勇敢的人,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和埃德温·奥尔德林,知道他们没有返回的希望。 But they also know that there is hope ...

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“Four: choose your friends because you feel most like yourself around them, 第四点:广交益友,因为在朋友身边你才能找到自己, because the jokes are easy and you feel like you’re in your best outfit when you’re with them, even though you’re just in a T-shirt. 因为谈笑更加放松,当你和朋友相处时,你才能找到自己最舒适的状态,即使只是穿着t恤。 Never love someone whom you think you...

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In answer to your questions, my real name is David Jones and I don't have to tell you why I changed it. "Nobody's going to make a monkey out of you" said my manager. My birthday is January 8th and I guess I'm 5'10". There is a Fan Club here in England, but if things go well in the States then we'll have one there I suppose. It's a littl...

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Dear Sandra, 亲爱的桑德拉, When I called in this, my manager's office, a few moments ago I was handed my very first American fan letter – and it was from you. I was so pleased that I had to sit down and type an immediate reply, even though Ken is shouting at me to get on with a script he badly needs. That can wiat (wi-at? That's a new English word which means ...

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“This segues into my next tip: life generally divides into two things. 接下来咱们讲一个小贴士:生活可以分为两部分。 One: AMAZING ENJOYABLE TIMES. Two: APPALLING EXPERIENCES THAT WILL MAKE FUTURE AMAZING ANECDOTES. 一:惊人的快乐时光。二:可怕的经历,这些经历未来会成为惊人的轶事。 However awful, you can get through any experience if you imagine yourself, in the future, tellin...

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My daughter is about to turn 13 and I’ve been smoking a lot recently, and so – 我的女儿马上就13岁了,我最近烟瘾很大, in the wee small hours, when my lungs feel like there’s a small mouse inside them, scratching to get out – 所以在凌晨时分,我的肺里感觉有只小老鼠,挣扎着想要钻出来—— I’ve thought about writing her one of those “Now I’m Dead, Here’s My Letter Of Advice For You...

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The main thing is just to try to be nice … 最重要的是和善待人… You already are. Just resolve to shine, constantly and steadily, like a warm lamp in the corner, 你已经做到了。下定决心,持续地,稳定地发光,就像温暖的角落里的灯, and people will want to move towards you in order to feel happy, and to read things more clearly. 为了获得愉悦,以及更加清晰的视野,人们会逐渐走向你。...

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But you can’t help it – at least I can’t, and God knows I’ve tried. 但是你却无能为力——至少我不行,上帝知道我尝试过了。 I don’t want any ex-boyfriends sitting in church when I marry you. 当我迎娶你的时候,我可不想有任何一位男朋友坐在教堂里面。 On our wedding day I want nothing but happiness, both for you and me, and I know I won’t be...

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November 5,2006 2006年11月5日 Dear Xavier High School, and Ms. Lockwood, and Messrs Perin, McFeely, Batten, Maurer and Congiusta: 亲爱的泽维尔中学,洛克伍德女士,还有佩林、麦克菲利、巴腾、莫勒、孔朱斯塔诸位: I thank you for your friendly letters. You sure know how to cheer up a really old geezer (84) in his sunset years. 很感谢你们的来信。你们一定很懂怎么去...

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July 31st, 1978 1978年7月31日 My darling McGeorge, 亲爱的麦克乔治: You said that things seemed clearer when they were written down. 你曾说过把事情写下来,他们就会变得更清楚。 Well, here with a very boring letter in which I will try and put everything down so that you may read and re-read at horror at your folly in getting involved with me. 那么这恐怕是...

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6th of December 1983 1983年12月6日 Dear George, 亲爱的乔治: You once said to us the world is full of assholes and I am not one of them. 你曾经说过这世界上全是混蛋,但是我不是。 I have a love for certain people and I have one for you. 我对特定的人有种热爱,我对你也有。 But by sheer lack of contact it’s running out. 但是完全不联系之后,这种感...

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Dear Eva, It will be almost a month since you wrote to me and you have possibly forgotten your state of mind (I doubt it though) . 亲爱的伊娃,距你给我写的上封信快有一个月了,你可能已经忘记了你当时的心态(虽然我不这么觉得)。 You seem the same as always, and being you, hate every minute of it. 你似乎一如往常,憎恨作为你自己的每一分钟。 Don’t! 不要这样!...

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My dear Norman, I don’t think I really do know much about jobs, except the one I had during the war, and that certainly did not involve any traveling. 亲爱的诺曼,我想除了在战争中的那份工作外,我对工作知之甚少,而那份工作并不需要出差。 I think they do take on conscripts. 我想他们现在还在招人。 It certainly involved a good deal of hard thinking, but whether...

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Dear people of UK and France, 尊敬的英国和法国民众, Please open the doors to us refugees and save us. 请你们开放边境接纳并收留我们。 We are not terrorists. We are not soldiers. We are not politicians. 我们不是恐怖分子,不是士兵,也不是什么政治家。 We are just ordinary people in pursuit of our peaceful life. 我们都是普通人,想要追求平静的生活。 I onl...

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Dear Stephen, 亲爱的斯蒂芬, Questions, questions, questions. If you are disappointed in my book ‘MONTY’, so am I. I must be more disappointed than you because I spent a year collecting material for it, and it was a choice of having it made into a suit or a book. 疑问,疑问,还是疑问。若你对我的书《MONTY》感到失望,我亦如此。我肯定比你还失望,我可是花了一年的时间为...

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You realise a book just consisting of those would just be the end, so my one liners are extensions of these brevities. 你知道,一本书包含了这些内容差不多就“黄了”,所以我的笑话在此基础上还做了延伸。 Then you are worried because as yet I have not mentioned my meeting with Secombe and later Sellers. 接着你又开始担心,我还未提及与斯考姆比以及后面的塞勒斯见面一事。 W...

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D’ Arline, 亲爱的阿琳, I adore you, sweetheart. 我爱你,亲爱的。 I know how much you like to hear that—but I don’t only write it because you like it—I write it because it makes me warm all over inside to write it to you. 我知道你多喜欢听到这句话。但我写这句话不是因为你喜欢,而是因为它让我全身暖暖的。 It is such a terribly long time since I las...

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Dear Mrs. Malcolm, 亲爱的马尔科姆夫人, I want to say how sorry I am about Chris. 对于克里斯的离去我感到很难过。 During the last year I worked with him continually and I am sure I could not have found anywhere another companion so brilliant and yet so charming and unconceited. 去年我一直和他共事,我确信,像他怎么优秀,迷人而又不自负的人今后我不会再遇到了。 ...

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A screwball piano player — competition — miserable days and lonely nights. 一个可笑的钢琴家,比赛,糟糕的日子和孤独的夜晚。 The cold, windy night we crawled through the window of a GI theatre and fell asleep on a cot backstage, locked in each other’s arms — the shock when we awoke and realized that miraculously we hadn’t been discovered. 那个寒风瑟瑟的...

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In the centre of Europe, cities with the population of 7-8 thousand people have been created for refugees with cold nights and dangerous, lawless and hopeless tiring, hungry days. 欧洲中部那些拥有七、八千人口的城市却只能让难民们露宿街头,在饥寒交迫、危机四伏、毫无治安中自生自灭。 Death is just a step away from refugees. 难民离死神只有一步之遥。 Sometimes food is...

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