双语美文之似水流年 (29)月升魅无穷(6)

A cricket shrills in the grass. 一只蟋蟀在草丛中长鸣。 I think of poets and musicians. 我想起了诗人和音乐家。 Of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata and of Shakespeare, whose Lorenzo declaims in The Merchant of Venice, How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! 想起了贝多芬的《月光奏鸣曲》,以及莎士比亚笔下《威尼斯商人》中洛伦佐的话:月光沉睡在这岸边多么甜美! Here will we sit ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (61)内卡河上木筏行(3)

Grazing the right-bank dike and aiming carefully for the middle arch of the stone bndge below; 顺流而下,擦过堤岸的右侧边缘,小心地对准下游石桥的中孔滑下。 I watched them in this way,and lost all this time hoping to see one of them hit the pridge-pier and wreck itself sometime or other, 我就这样望着它们,在对什么时候能看到它们撞在桥墩,成为残骸的憧憬中迷失了自我。 but was al...

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双语美文之似水流年 (50)背影(4)

When he came near the train,I hurried out to help him by the hand. 到这边时,我赶紧去搀他。 After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes,he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while, 他和我走到车上,将橘子一股脑儿放在我的皮大衣上。 于是扑扑衣上的泥土,心里很轻松似的,过一会儿说。 I must be going now...

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双语美文之似水流年 (3)最后一课(上)

I was very late for school that morning, and I was terribly afraid of being scolded, especially as Monsieur Hamel had told us that he should examine us on participles, 那天早晨,我去上学,去得非常晚,我好害怕被责骂,特别是,阿麦尔先生跟我们说过,他要考一考分词规则, and I did not know the first thing about them. 而我连头一个字都不会。 For a moment I thought of staying away f...

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双语美文之似水流年 (1)假如给我三天光明(上)

If, by some miracle, I were granted three seeing days, to be followed by a relapse into darkness, I should divide the period into three parts. 如果由某种奇迹,我获得了能看见东西的3天,随后又沉陷于一片黑暗之中,我该将这段时间分为3个部分。 The First Day 第一天 On the first day, I should want to see the people whose kindness and gentleness and companionship have made my life w...

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双语美文之似水流年 (42)孩子们的志愿(1)

The Boys' Ambition 孩子们的志愿 When I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboatman. 在密西西比河西岸的小镇上,我还是个小孩子的时候,家乡的水手们都有一个远大的志向,这个志向就是当一名轮船上的水手。 We had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only tra...

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双语美文之似水流年 (24)晚夏(下)

In the dark it was like summer lightning, 在黑暗中,这情况真像夏天的闪电,只是夜里阴凉, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming. 可没有夏天风雨欲来前的那种闷热。 Sometimes in the dark we heard the troops marching under the window and guns going past pulled by motor-tractors. 有时在黑暗中,我们听得见部队从窗下走过的声响,还有摩托牵引车拖着大...

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双语美文之似水流年 (27)月升魅无穷(3)

I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. 我得到她的厚礼是在山间七月的一个夜晚。 My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. 我的车突然无缘无故地熄了火,我孤身一人被困在山中,束手无策。 The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east. 太阳已经西沉,我看见东边山脊处...

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双语美文之似水流年 (53)我的世界观(3)

One is sharply conscious, yet without regret, of the limits to the possibility of mutual understanding and sympathy with one's fellow-creatures. 人们真真切切地觉得,人们的相互理解和共鸣是有界限的,虽然这没什么可惜的。 Such a person no doubt loses something in the way of geniality and light-heartedness; 毫无 问,这样的人会因为亲切和同情心失去一些东西, on the other hand...

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双语美文之似水流年 (37)如花的托斯卡纳(5)

The cherry tree is something the same, but more sturdy. 樱桃树和白杨差不多,只是更加顽强。 Now, in the last week of April, the cherry blossom is still white, but waning and passing away:it is late this year, and the leaves are clustering thick and softly copper in their dark blood-filled glow. 现在都已是四月的最后一个星期,白色的樱桃花依然绽放,可已经渐渐虚弱,即将逝去。今年...

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双语美文之似水流年 (49)背影(3)

Besides, it was certainly no problem for a person of my age to look after himself. 而且我 这样大年纪的人,难道还不能料理自己么? Oh, when I come to think of it, I can see how smarty I was in those days! 唉,我现在想想, 那时真是太聪明了! I said, Dad, you might leave now. 我说道:爸爸,你走吧。 But he looked out of the window and said,I'm going to buy you some tangerines. ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (73)茶和交友(6)

“In my studio, all formalities will be abolished, and only the most intimate friends will be admitted. They will be treated with rich or poor fare such as I eat, and we will chat and laugh and forget our own existence. We will not discuss the right and wrong of other people and will be totally indifferent to worldly glory and wealth. In our leisure we will discuss the ancien...

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双语美文之似水流年 (76)茶和交友(9)

Tea is then symbolic of earthly purity, requiring the most fastidious cleanliness in its preparation,from picking,frying and preserving to its final infusion and drinking, easily upset or spoiled by the slightest contamination of oily hands or oily cups.Consequently, its enjoyment is appropriate in an atmosphere where all ostentation or suggestion of luxury is banished from ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (22)一朵白蔷薇

How come I stand alone by the river? 怎么独自站在河边上? The hazy sky is that dawn or dusk? Where can I inquire? 这朦胧的天色,是黎明还是黄昏?何处寻问, I simply feel I am in an ocean of flowers, 只觉得眼前竟是花的世界。 amid the flowers mixed a few white roses. 中间杂着几朵白蔷薇。 There she comes,she comes down from the hill. 她来了,她从山上下来了。 With a bunch of fl...

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双语美文之似水流年 (56)无论你的生活如何卑微(2)

The philosopher said, "From an army of three divisions one can take away its general, and put it in disorder; from the man the most abject and vulgar one cannot take away his thought. ” 一位哲人曾说过:三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。" Do not seek so anxiously to be developed, to subject yourself to many influences to be played on; it is all dissipation. 不要迫切谋...

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双语美文之似水流年 (75)茶和交友(8)

Tea is then symbolic of earthly purity, requiring the most fastidious cleanliness in its preparation,from picking,frying and preserving to its final infusion and drinking, easily upset or spoiled by the slightest contamination of oily hands or oily cups.Consequently, its enjoyment is appropriate in an atmosphere where all ostentation or suggestion of luxury is banished from ...

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双语美文之似水流年 (62)内卡河上木筏行(4)

So I chartered the raft and the crew and took all the responsibilities on myself. 于是,我租下了这条木筏,雇了他的舵手,一切责任由我承担。 With a rattling song the starboard watch bent to their work and hove the cable short, then got the anchor home, and our bark moved off with a stately, stride,and soon was bowling along at about two knots an hour. 伴着一阵激昂的号子声,右...

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双语美文之似水流年 (21)女人都漂亮

A little boy asked his mother why are you crying? 一个男孩问他的妈妈: 你为甚么要哭呢? because I am a woman, she told him. 妈妈说:因为我是女人啊。 I don't understand, he said. 男孩说:我不懂。 his mum just hugged him and said, and you never will. 他妈妈抱起他说:你永远不会懂得。 later the little boy asked his father, why does mother seem to cry for no reason? 後来小男孩就问...

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双语美文之似水流年 (27)月升魅无穷(4)

By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon,full-chested, round and the color of ivory,the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. 等到皓月当空,满月如盘,闪耀着象牙般乳白的清辉,山谷便成了风景中一片片幽深的阴影。 The dogs, reassured that this was the familiar moon, stopped barking. 那些狗确信了那团光原来是它们熟悉的月亮,也安定下来,停止了吠叫。 And all at once I fe...

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双语美文之似水流年 (9)童年(上)

HAPPY, happy, never-returning time of childhood! 幸福的,幸福的,一去不返的童年时代啊! How can we help loving and dwelling upon its recollections? 怎能不爱惜,不珍重对童年的回忆呢? They cheer and elevate the soul, and become to one a source of higher joys. 这些回忆使我精神舒爽,心情振奋,是我的无上乐趣的泉源。 Sometimes, when dreaming of bygone days, I fancy that, tired ou...

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