Ted英语演讲: Why I take the piano on the road and in the air为什么要在街头,空中演奏——Daria van den Bercken

Daria van den Bercken在Ted英语演讲: Why I take the piano on the road and in the air,讲述了为什么要在街头,空中演奏的英语演讲。   Recently, I flew over a crowd of thousands of people in Brazil playing music by George Frideric Handel. I also drove along the streets of Amsterdam, again playing music by this same composer. Let’s take a look. 我最近在巴西飞越数千人的...

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Ted英语演讲:未来自我的心理——Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert在Ted英语演讲:未来自我的心理 At every stage of our lives we make decisions that will profoundly influence the lives of the people we’re going to become, and then when we become those people, we’re not always thrilled with the decisions we made. So young people pay good money to get tattoos removed that teenagers paid good money to get. Middle-aged peo...

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Ted英语演讲:Robots With Soul有情感的机器人——Guy Hoffman

Guy Hoffman在TED演讲:Robots With Soul有情感的机器人。 My job is to design, build and study robots that communicate with people. But this story doesn’t start with robotics at all, it starts with animation. When I first saw Pixar’s “Luxo Jr.,” I was amazed by how much emotion they could put into something as trivial as a desk lamp. I mean, look at them...

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“什么样的人,最可能成为人生赢家”,这项研究已经持续了76年,花费超过2000万美元。 幸福是什么?金钱,名望,或者成就感? 哈佛大学开展了一次史上对成人发展研究最长的一次研究项目: 从1938年开始,至今75年间,他们跟踪记录了724位男性,从少年到老年,年复一年地询问和记载他们的工作、生活和健康状况等,这个项目至今还在继续中。本次演讲者Robert Waldinger先生是第四任负责此项目的主管。他将和大...

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Ted英语演讲:一个2000人的虚拟唱诗班高声歌唱 ——Eric Whitacre

埃里克·惠特克Eric Whitacre在TED演讲:一个2000人的虚拟唱诗班高声歌唱。 I wanted to be a rock star. I dreamed of it, and that’s all I dreamed of. To be more accurate, I wanted to be a pop star. This was in the late ’80s. And mostly I wanted to be the fifth member of Depeche Mode or Duran Duran. They wouldn’t have me. I didn’t read music, but I played sy...

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Ted英语演讲:当地球人口达到100亿时 我们将如何生存

Charles C. Mann在Ted的演讲,当地球人口超100亿,我们又将如何生存? Charles C. Mann: How will we survive when the population hits 10 billion? 当地球人口达到100亿时,我们将如何生存 How are we doing? No, no, no, by that, I meant, how are we, homo sapiens "we"… 我们最近过得怎么样?哦不,我的意思是,最近,身为现代人的“我们”… (Laughter) (笑声) do...

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玛丽·罗宾逊,爱尔兰共和国第7任总统及联合国人权事务高级专员。Ted演讲称:气候变迁并不公平。 富裕国家有办法对抗上升的海平面及枯萎的农田,全球穷人却因为危险的暴风雨、饥荒及失去土地而颠沛流离,人权受威胁。 玛丽·罗宾逊要求我们参与全球气候正义行动。 Mary Robinson: Why climate change is a threat to human rights 玛丽·罗宾逊:为何气候变化对人权保护构成威胁 A question I’m often ...

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今天是世界阅读日,分享一篇关于“儿童阅读”的演讲,大声为孩子朗读,可以帮助孩子理解故事,从而体会到书的乐趣。 Rebecca Bellingham: Why we should all be reading aloud to children 为什么我们都该大声给孩子们朗读? 15 years ago, I was a teaching artist in the New York City public schools, and one of my projects was adapting and directing a production of “Charlotte’s Web&...

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两年精通一门外语,会8门外语以上的多语言者Ted分享,学习一门新语言的秘诀。 Lýdia Machová: The secrets of learning a new language 学习一门新语言的秘诀 I love learning foreign languages. In fact, I love it so much that I like to learn a new language every two years, currently working on my eighth one. When people find that out about me, they always ask me, "Ho...

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Ted英语演讲:Meet the mom who started the Ice Bucket Challenge妈妈撞上冰桶——Nancy Frates

Nancy Frates在TED演讲:Meet the mom who started the Ice Bucket Challenge妈妈撞上冰桶 Well, good afternoon. How many of you took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? (Applause) 大家下午好 你们中有多少人 参加了冰桶挑战? (掌声) 哦耶! Woo hoo! Well, I have to tell you, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so very, very much. Do you know to date the ALS Association has raised 125...

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Ted英语演讲:为什么噪音有害健康 你又该如何应对?

噪音对我们的影响远远大于听力受损,除了损害听力外,还会影响睡眠、增加得心血管疾病的几率、改变血管架构……面对无处不在的噪音,我们应该如何应对? Why noise is bad for your health – and what you can do about it? 为什么噪音对健康有害 你该如何应对噪音? Do you hear that?Do you know what that is?Silence.The sound of silence.Simon and Garfunkel wrote a song about it....

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Ted英语演讲:我们需要钱来进行援助,那么就来印钞吧——Michael Metcalfe

Michael Metcalfe在TED演讲:我们需要钱来进行援助,那么就来印钞吧。 Thirteen years ago, we set ourselves a goal to end poverty. After some success, we’ve hit a big hurdle. The aftermath of the financial crisis has begun to hit aid payments, which have fallen for two consecutive years. My question is whether the lessons learned from saving the financial system can be used...

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Ted英语演讲:为什么你干不成一番大事业 ——Larry Smithr

经济学教授Larry Smith认为一些人没有追求自己的梦想,而是把很多时间浪费在乏善可陈的工作上,浪费自己的才华!所有还在“现实与理想”的问题上迷茫的朋友不妨看看这个演讲。 Why you will fail to have a great career  为什么你干不成一番大事业 I want to discuss with you this afternoon why you’re going to fail to have a great career. (Laughter) 今天下午我想和你们讨论一下 你为什么...

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如何才能激发每个孩子成为终生阅读者?选择那些能让大人和孩子都发笑的阅读材料即可。 Alvin Irby: How to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader 如何激发每个孩子成为终生阅读者? As an elementary school teacher, my mom did everything she could to ensure I had good reading skills. This usually consisted of weekend reading lessons at our kitchen table while my friends played out...

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Ted英语演讲:Remember to Say Thank You记得感谢身边的人——Laura Trice

Laura Trice在TED演讲:Remember to Say Thank You记得感谢身边的人。 Hi. I’m here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈,向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性,并使它们听来真诚,具体。 And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and unt...

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真菌学者Paul Stamets列出了真菌菌丝可以拯救世界的6种方法:清洁被污染的土地、生产杀虫剂、治疗天花甚至流感…. Paul Stamets: 6 ways the mycelium fungus can help save the universe 菌丝拯救世界的6种方法 I love a challenge, and saving the Earth is probably a good one. We all know the Earth is in trouble. We have now entered in the 6X, the sixth major extinction on this planet....

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Ted英语演讲: 活本来很简单 我们干嘛把它搞得这么艰难?

泰国农民Jon Jandai用另一种视角看待生活,生活本来很简单,我们干嘛要把它搞得这么艰难? Jon Jandai: Life is easy. Why do we make it so hard? 生活本来很简单,我们干嘛要把它搞得这么艰难? There is one word that I have always wanted to say to everybody in my life. That word is "Life is easy." It’s so easy and fun. Before that, I never think like that. 有这样一句话...

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获得TED大奖殊荣的JamieOliver通过讲述他在亨廷頓.弗吉尼亚州反肥胖症项目的经历,对所有无视饮食健康的状况提出了全面的进攻。 Jamie Oliver: Teach every child about food 教会每个孩子如何饮食 Sadly, in the next 18 minutes when I do our chat, four Americans that are alive will be dead through the food that they eat. 不幸的是,在接下来十八分钟的演说中,四位美国人将会死亡,死因是不当的...

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JenniferNacif向我们讲解了如何在与孩子们沟通时,将控制转换为激励。Jennifer在演讲中扮演了四个性格各不相同的孩子,她以这种聪明的方式向我们展示了不同性格需求父母不同的对应。 Jennifer Nacif: The Secret to Motivating Your Child 如何激励你的孩子?正确激励孩子的4个秘诀 I’m so excited! 我真是太激动了。(观众笑声) Well, I’m excited not only to be in TEDxSanDiego, but to t...

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Graham Hill在Ted的演讲,推广“精简生活”的理念,称房间小一点,东西少一点,快乐多一点。 Graham Hill: Less stuff, more happiness 少点东西,多点快乐 What’s in the box? Whatever it is must be pretty important, because I’ve traveled with it, moved it, from apartment to apartment to apartment. 猜猜看这个箱子里有什么?至少是些要紧的东西吧毕竟不管我去哪儿,搬到哪儿都带着这...

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