励志演讲 :信息技术的力量(3)
The trend in data storage is even more impressive. In the early 80s, the standard unit of computer storage, one mega-byte, or one million bytes of information, cost about 100 dollars. Today, it is 10 cents. In two years, it will cost 2 cents.
数据存储技术的发展趋势更是令人瞠目。八十年代初期,一个标准单位的计算机存储能力,即 1MB,或者说 1 百万字节,售价是 100 美元,而现在却只要 10 美分,两年内还将降到 2 美分。
These gains are driven by continuous advances in how we pack information into smaller and smaller spaces.
If the US Library of Congress could shrink its collections of 17 million books by the same factor we just discussed, it could replace 800 kilometers of shelf space with less than 40 meters of space.
如果把这种技术用到美国国会图书馆的 1700 百万册存书上,其书架长度将由 800 公里变成不到 40 米。
These advances are going to continue and accelerate the rate microprocessors, storage, communications, memory, and all the other engines that are propelling this industry or continue to lead to the products of the faster, smaller, and less expensive, just as they have for 30 years.
这种进步将继续下去,并且会加速微处理器、存储设备、通信、内存以及所有其它正在推动信息产业前进的“发动机”式的产品的发展,或者会继续创造出更快、更小、更便宜的产品。过去 30 年的情况就是如此。
But as we stand here today, the opening of CeBIT, we are on the threshold of a very important change and the evolution of this industry.
然而当我们今天站在这里,出席 CeBIT 的开幕式的时候,我们面对的是一场业界非常重要的变化和革命。
In many ways, this industry, a very emitory industry, is about to play out in its most important dimension. That is because the technology has become so powerful and so pervasive that its future impact on people and governments and all institutions will dwarf what has happened today.
1.lead to 导致;通向
eg Heart failure led to her father's death.
2.on the threshold of 在…的开端
eg Last night I was on the threshold of hell.
3.play out 结束;放出;用完;做完
eg Neither she nor her brother used to play out with other local children.
路易斯·郭士纳曾经是君临天下的企业霸主——IBM公司总裁。 路易斯·郭士纳郭士纳从小生长在纽约长岛的一个贫穷家庭里,在一所教会中学渡过全部的少年时光。毕业于哈佛大学商业学院。13年的麦肯锡咨询公司实践磨炼,使他成为一名光芒夺目的商界奇才。郭士纳其璀璨、罕见的管理与经营才干,是这个时代的先锋和佼佼者。美国《时代》周刊这样评价郭士纳——“IBM公司董事长兼首席执行官,被称为电子商务巨子”。[qh]
重点单词 | 查看全部解释 | |||
shelf | [ʃelf] |
想一想再看 n. 架子,搁板 |
replace | [ri(:)’pleis] |
想一想再看 vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处 |
evolution | [.i:və’lu:ʃən] |
想一想再看 n. 进化,发展,演变 |
X 单词evolution联想记忆: e出+volut卷,转+ion→转出来→进化,发育 |
accelerate | [æk’seləreit] |
想一想再看 vt. 加速,提前,跳级 vi. 加速 |
X 单词accelerate联想记忆: 来自拉丁语accelerare,ac=ad到+celerare加急(celer快,迅速) |
impact | [‘impækt,im’pækt] |
想一想再看 n. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力) vt. |
X 单词impact联想记忆: im进入,pact压紧的-进入压紧的状态-冲击;影响力 |
continuous | [kən’tinjuəs] |
想一想再看 adj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的 |
X 单词continuous联想记忆: con全部+tin拿住+uous→连续不断的 |
factor | [‘fæktə] |
想一想再看 n. 因素,因子 vt. 把 … 因素包括 |
X 单词factor联想记忆: fact做,制作+or→促使人做的东西→要素;动力 |
pervasive | [pə:’veisiv] |
想一想再看 adj. 普遍的,蔓延的,渗透的 |
X 单词pervasive联想记忆: per全部+vas走+ive表形容词…全部走遍→遍及的 |
impressive | [im’presiv] |
想一想再看 adj. 给人深刻印象的 |
X 单词impressive联想记忆: impress印象+ive→给人深刻印象的 |
trend | [trend] |
想一想再看 n. 趋势,倾向,方位 vi. 倾向,转向 |
X 单词trend联想记忆: 源于:tend(v 趋向;照管) |