
And this little old lady raised her hand and asked Is this where the bingo game is? It was a disaster. 有一位瘦小的老太太举起了手 问道宾果游戏是在这里吗真是糟糕透了 Nobody showed up My first big community meeting, nobody showed up And later, the volunteers I worked with told me. 没有人来我的第一个社区大会 没有人到场后来 和我一起工作的志愿人员对我说 That's it, we're q...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(15)

For this is also a time around the world when some of the fundamental ideals of liberal democracies are under attack 这也是世界各地自由民主的基础概念受到攻击, and when notions of objectively and of a free press and of facts and of evidence are trying to be underminedor in some cases ignored entirely. 是客观新闻自由、事实、证据被削弱甚至被忽视的时刻,这样的环境里。 And in su...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(9)

That’s not an option people. Steak or fish. 各位没有这个选项,牛排或者鱼肉。 You may not like steak or fish, but that’s your choice. 你可能不喜欢牛排或者鱼肉,但你只有这俩选项。 Meanwhile, some candidates aren’t polling high enough to qualify for their own joke tonight. 同时,有些候选人民调太低,不够格出现在段子里。 The rules were well established ahead of time. 这些规则早就...

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So you've got us outnumbered After decades of slow, steady extraordinary progress. 所以 你们在人数上超过了我们在几十年来的缓慢 持续不凡的进展之后 You are now poised to make this the century where women shape not only their own destiny but the destiny of this nation and of this world. 你们即将在本世纪实现这样的目标妇女不仅能改变自己的命运还能改变这个国家乃至这个世界的命运...

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Our founders understood that America does not stand still we are dynamic, not static We look forward, not back. 我们的开国元勋认识到美国并非一成不变 我们充满活力不会停滞不前 我们向前看 不回头 And now that new doors have been opened for you you've got an obligation to seize those opportunities You need to do this not just for yourself. 既然新的大门已为你们敞开你们就有义务...

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A family of folks who didn't quit because she saw her dad get up and go to work every day even though he never finished college. 一个不轻易退却的家庭因为她看到她的父亲每天一大早起来去上班尽管他从未念完大学 Even though he had crippling MS She saw her mother, even though she never finished college in that school, that urban school. 尽管他患有影响行动的多发性硬化症她看到 尽...

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When women are treated fairly and equally in every aspect of American life whether it's the salary you earn. 如果妇女在国家生活的方方面面都能得到公平与平等的对待无论是你的薪金所得还是你所作的健康决定 Or the health decisions you make We know these things to be true. 我们的日子会过得更好我们知道这些都是实实在在的道理 We know that our challenges are eminently solvable The q...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(10)

Come on. We weren’t just going to stop there. 拜托。我们哪能这就说完呢。 Come on. Although I am a little hurt that he’s not here tonight. 拜托啊!虽然,他今晚缺席这让我有点受伤。 We had so much fun that last time, and it is surprising. 上次我们玩得那么开心,而且这事令人惊讶。 You’ve got a room full of reporters, celebrities, cameras. 有一屋子记者、明星、摄像机。 And he says ...

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And when she was gone my grandmother stepped up to take care of me She only had a high school education. 她不在家时我的外祖母承担起照顾我的责任她仅受过高中教育 She got a job at a local bank She hit the glass ceiling and watched men she once trained. 她在当地银行找到一份工作她遇到了事业上的瓶颈眼看着她曾经培训过的男人 Promoted up the ladder ahead of her But she didn't qui...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(3)

Take a look(Show photos over the years). Here we are in 2008. 请看(上台这些年来的照片)。这是我俩在2008年。 Here we are a few years later. 这是我俩几年之后。 And this one is from two weeks ago(Skelton photo from Canada dinner). So time passes. 这是两周之前(加拿大晚宴上的骷髅照)。真是时光如流水啊。 In just six short months, I will be officially a lame duck, which means Con...

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To embrace and rekindle right now See, the question is not whether things will get better they always do. 和发扬光大的正是这种精神可以看出 问题并不在于事情是否会好转情况总是会变好的 The question is not whether we've got the solutions to our challenges we've had them within our grasp. 问题也不在于我们是否已经有了应对我们面临的挑战的解决办法我们一直掌握着这些解决办法 F...

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Throughout American history though, they have lost that bet and I believe they will this time as well. 可是纵观美国历史他们一再下错赌注我相信这一次也不例外 But ultimately Class of 2012, that will depend on you Don't wait for the person next to you. 可是说到底2012届的同学们 这将取决于你们不要等待你身旁的人 To be the first to speak up for what's right Because maybe, ju...

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The first year women were admitted to Columbia Sally Ride was the first American woman in space Music was all about Michael and the Moonwalk. 哥伦比亚大学开始录取女生的第一年当时萨莉.莱德成为第一位进入太空的美国女性那时的音乐全是麦克尔和太空步 We had the Walkman No. No Moonwalking. No Moonwalking today. 我们当时有随身听不走太空步 今天不走太空步 We had the Walkman, not ipods ...

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And focus instead on studying and inventing and competing and leading she'll think those are the only things. 而是专注学习发明创新 与人竞争 发挥领导作用她就会认为 That girls are supposed to care about Now, Michelle will say nothing wrong with caring about it a little bit. 这些才是女孩应该在意的事情好 米歇尔会说在意一点又何妨 You can be stylish and powerful, too That'...

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Just to take one example much of federally-funded research on diseases focused solely on their effects on men. 及其他女性进入国会前联邦资助的大部分疾病研究主要侧重于疾病对男性的影响 It wasn't until women like Patsy Mink and Edith Green got to Congress and passed Title IX 40 years ago this year. 40年前的今天帕齐.明克和伊迪丝.格林等女性进入国会并通过教育法修正案《第九条》 ...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(4)

Even some foreign leaders, they’ve been looking ahead, anticipating my departure. 有些外国领袖都开始向前看,期待我卸任了。 Last week, Prince George showed up to our meeting in his bathrobe. 上周,乔治王子跟我会面时,穿的是浴袍。 That was a slap in the face. 这简直是打脸般的羞辱啊。 A clear breach of protocol. 明显是违反规定嘛。 Although, while in England I did have lunch wit...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(13)

Yesterday, I had a beer at 11:30 in the morning. 昨天,我11:30的时候喝了杯啤酒。 And you know, McDonald's now serves breakfast all day long. 而且你知道的,麦当劳现在全天供应早餐。 And Michelle's going to be at spin class, so she'll never know. Right, let her go. 而且米歇尔去上课了,她肯定不会发现。对,甭管她。 And won't be long, you'll be able to walking ...

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Some of those communities are still very poor There are still a lot of gangs out there But I believe that it was those small victories. 这些社区中有一些仍然很贫穷那里仍然有很多的帮派出没但我相信 就是这些小小的胜利 That helped me win the bigger victories of my last three and a half years as President And I wish I could say that this perseverance. 帮助我在这三年半里作为总统赢...

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名人演讲 :奥巴马任内末次白宫记者晚宴演讲(14)

They are here with us tonight: 他们今晚同我们一样来到了这里: Sacha Pfeiffer, Mike Rezendes, Walter Robinson, Matt Caroll and Ben Bradlee Jr. 萨切,迈克,瓦特,迈特和小本, Please give them a big round of applause. 请在场各位为他们鼓掌。 A free press is why, once again, we honor Jason Rezaian, as Carol noted. 新闻自由像Carol所说,是我们再次表彰Jason Rezaian的原因。 Last time...

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Finding your way around this campus an economic crisis struck that would claim more than 5 million jobs. 这所校园的时候经济危机降临不等你们第一学年结束 Before the end of your freshman year Since then some of you have probably seen parents put off retirement. 它已经导致500多万人失业从那个时候以来你们大概看到一些父母推迟了退休计划 Friends struggle to find work And you may be l...

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