励志演讲 :教育的民主化:哥伦比亚女歌手夏奇拉在牛津大学的演讲(4)

And, we found the way to keep kids in school and maintain parent's involvement in their children's education. By providing nutritious meals in schools we have decreased the number of dropouts and we have eradicated malnutrition among our students. 我们找到了让孩子们留在学校,并让父母参与到孩子们的教育中来的方法。通过在学校提供营养食物,我们已经减少了辍学儿童的数量,...

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励志演讲 :执着于你的梦想(1)

Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much. 非常感谢。首先,我要感谢胡校长邀我至此,我还要感谢奇志先生对我的热心引荐。谢谢你们。 It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here, it&...

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励志演讲 :教育的民主化:哥伦比亚女歌手夏奇拉在牛津大学的演讲(3)

They need us to cure a child with Leukemia or AIDS with a simple pill or with a breakthrough vaccine. We need to live in a world in which together we can find a solution to global warming so we don't have to worry every time a single storm begins to form on the horizon. We need to find new ways to distribute food so no child goes to bed hungry. 他们需要我们用一粒简单的药...

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励志演讲 :做真正的自己(1)

Thank you, President Cowan, Mrs. President Cowen; distinguished guests, undistinguished guests–you know who you are, honored faculty and creepy Spanish teacher. So and thank you to all the graduating class of 2009, I realize most of you are hungover and have splitting headaches and haven't slept since Fat Tuesday, but you can't graduate till I finish, so listen...

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励志演讲 :莱昂纳多为德尼罗致辞(2)

I got from the couch, walked across the room, looked their deadly eye, pointing in his face and shouted at the top of my lungs "No!" Silence! I knew I chickened this room up. This De Niro guy was dumb. Then he dumb on me, then he wasn't stone face because of my inspiring performance. He was trying to contain his laughter, and the more he tried, the harder it be...

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励志演讲 :26届MTV音乐录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔·杰克逊(2)

He performed in soccer stadiums around the world, he sold hundreds of millions of records, he dined with prime ministers and presidents. Girls fell in love with him, boys fell in love with him, everyone wanted to dance like him. He seemed otherworldly–but he was also a human being. 他在世界各地的足球场做过演出,他有着数亿张的全球专辑销量,他接受过许多国家首相和总统的宴...

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励志演讲 :失败的好处和想象的重要性(2)

You see? If all you remember in years to come is the "gay wizard" joke, I've still come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock. Achievable goals–the first step to self-improvement. 你们知道吗?如果在若干年后你们还仅仅记得“快乐的魔法师”这个笑话,那就证明我已经超越了男爵夫人玛丽·沃诺克。确定一个切实可行的目标——这是自我提升的第一步。 Actually, I have wracked my ...

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励志演讲 :波姬·小丝在迈克尔·杰克逊追悼会上发言(2)

Both of us needed to be adults very early, but when we were together, we were two little kids having fun. We never collaborated together, we never performed together or danced on the same stage. Although he did try in vain one night to unsuccessfully teach me the "moon walk". And he just basically shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt. 我俩小小年纪就要...

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励志演讲 :失败的好处和想象的重要性(5)

Now, I am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun. That period of my life was a dark one, and I had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution. I had no idea then how far the tunnel extended, and for a long time, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality. 现在,我不打算站在这里...

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励志演讲 :执着于你的梦想(5)

I remember the first time I went to the United States and I was competing in a competition. It was the World Championship in Bodybuilding. I lost. I came in second, and I was devastated. I was crushed. I felt like a loser, a major loser, let me tell you. I cried, as a matter of fact, because I felt like I disappointed my friends and I disappointed myself. But the next day I ...

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励志演讲 :印度宝莱坞杰出人道主义奖获奖演出(2)

In these days a such abundance in advancement and what we can do, it pains me to think that we do so little for our children. In some ways, I feel undeserving to receive an award by doing something that is my duty. I accepted this award as a gesture of encouraging from the people of India and a commission to do more for mankind. I love you very much. This is the longest spee...

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励志演讲 :再相信我一次(5)

It's hard to admit that I need help, but I do. For 45 days from the end of December to early February, I was in inpatient therapy receiving guidance for the issues I'm facing. I have a long way to go. But I've taken my first steps in the right direction. 要我承认我需要外界的帮助并不是一件容易的事,但我确实需要。在过去的45天里,从12月底到2月初这段时间,我一直住院...

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励志演讲 :失败的好处和想象的重要性(3)

I know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but… 我现在明白了反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但…… So they had hoped that I would take a vocational degree; I wanted to study English literature. A compromise was reaced that in retrospect satisfied nobody, and I went up to study Modern Languages. Hardly had my parents' car rounded the corner at th...

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励志演讲 :执着于你的梦想(3)

I started way back as a weightlifter. I always liked the idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder. From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and held it around the bar and lifted the steel above my head, I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that this is something that I'm going to do; that I was in love with that, and this is going to be something that I...

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励志演讲 :执着于你的梦想(4)

Well, let me tell you something. The next morning when I got up, my body was so sore that I couldn't even lift my arms to comb my hair. I had to have my mother comb my hair, and you know how embarrassing that is. But you know something? I learned a very important lesson, that pain means progress. Pain is progress. Each time my muscles were sore from a workout I knew that...

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励志演讲 :失败的好处和想象的重要性(11)

I am nearly finished. I have one last hope for you, which is something that I already had at 21. The friends with whom I sat on graduation day have been my friends for life. They are my children's godparents, the people to whom I've been able to turn in times of trouble, people who have been kind enough not to sue me when I've took their names for Death Eaters. A...

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励志演讲 :教育的民主化:哥伦比亚女歌手夏奇拉在牛津大学的演讲(1)

Thank you Oxford, and thank you Oxford Union. 感谢牛津大学,感谢牛津大学联合会。 It is truly an honor and a privilege to be here today and that you have afforded me this opportunity to speak to you. 今天有机会到此为各位做演讲,我感到无比荣幸。 I must confess, I am somewhat mystified as to why you are here. Because there won't be any singing, any hip-shaking. What so ever...

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励志演讲 :26届MTV音乐录影带大奖开场麦当娜悼念迈克尔·杰克逊(3)

But I had a childhood, and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight. 我是有童年的,而我也可以在镁光灯照不到的、属于我的世界里犯错和做我自己。 When I first heard that Michael had died, I was in London, days away from the opening of my tour. Michael was going to perform in the same venue as me a week later. All I could ...

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