
But this is sort of the important stages in which that framework will get built, 平台建设是很重要的阶段, and so we want to all be thinking about it consciously now. 所以现在我们都要自然而然地思考这个问题。 Just before we jump into that, there's sort of a question of: why is this important? 当我们开始讨论这个问题之前,还有一个问题,那就是:为什么重要? I'm sort of ma...

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You all know about multitasking. 你们都知道"多任务处理"(multitasking)。 You all have been faulty of multitasking when you're driving and you pick up your cellphone. 一边开车一边拿起手机的多任务处理不是明智之举。 Bad idea. Very bad idea. 非常糟糕。 Why? Because as your attention shifts to your cell phone, 为什么?因为你的注意力实际上转移到了你的手机上, you are ...

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The final one I want to talk about — and it's a great one to end on — 我最后想讲的是——用来结尾很好的例子是 is this concept of communal discovery, 社群探索的概念, a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achieve something. 人们需要一起工作来达到某个目标的动机。 And communal discovery is powerful because it leverages 社群探索有影响力的原因是因为 the...

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So this is work from a colleague in Toronto. 这个工作是我们一个多伦多的同事完成的。 What they showed is that, initially, 他们发现一开始参加实验的人的表现 you know, subjects perform where they are expected to perform given their age. 和他们那个年龄段应有的差不多。 After two weeks of training on action video games, 玩了两个星期的动作电子游戏以后, they actually perform better,...

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But this is sort of the important stages in which that framework will get built, 平台建设是很重要的阶段, and so we want to all be thinking about it consciously now. 所以现在我们都要自然而然地思考这个问题。 Just before we jump into that, there's sort of a question of: why is this important? 当我们开始讨论这个问题之前,还有一个问题,那就是:为什么重要? I'm sort of ma...

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Most of the educational games that are out there today are really flashcards. 今天的多数教育游戏是过时的,它们只是卡片游戏。 They're glorified drill and practice. 它们都是很耗人的和需要人们的耐心来玩。 They don't have the depth, the rich narrative that really engaging video games have, 它们没有真正打电子游戏时的那种耐玩性,丰富的游戏互动性, that the boys are really ...

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The third one I want to talk about quickly is the progression dynamic, 第三个我想快速讲一下的是进步动机, where you have to sort of make progress, 当你不得不进步的时候, you have to move through different steps in a very granular fashion. 你很规律地一步一步前进。 This is used all over the place, including LinkedIn, where I am an un-whole individual. 这种动机在各地都适用,包...

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The next reason that boys' cultures are out of sync with school cultures: 第二个原因是男孩文化与学校文化相脱节: there are fewer male teachers. 有很少的男性教师。 Anybody who's over 15 doesn't know what this means, 任何超过15岁的人对此不了解, because in the last 10 years, 因为在过去10年里, the number of elementary school classroom teachers has been cut in half....

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So I'm here to tell you that we have a problem with boys, 我在这儿是想告诉大家我们的对男孩的教育有问题, and it's a serious problem with boys. 男孩子的教育是个严重问题。 Their culture isn't working in schools, 在学校,男孩文化没有形成。 and I'm going to share with you ways that we can think about overcoming that problem. 我要和大家分享我们关于这一问题的解决方...

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This is the game, which I've ended up calling The New World, because I like the phrase. 这就是那个游戏,我后来给它起了个名字叫做《新世界》,因为我喜欢这个叫法。 I don't think the New World felt too new worldly exciting to the people who were brought over on slave ships. 我不认为“新世界”会带来什么世俗的兴奋感,尤其对于那些曾经从奴隶船上下来的人们。 But when this happe...

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So now, just, this is an abrupt transition here. 现在切换一下话题 There was three years where I actually did have a real job, sort of. 有三年时间,我有了真正的工作(在某种程度上算) I was the head of a college department 我担任了一个学院部门的主管 teaching games, so, again, it was sort of a real job, 负责教游戏,算是某种意义上的真正的工作, and now I just got to talk about m...

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When we think of games, there's all kinds of things. 当我们提起游戏时,脑海中会浮现很多回忆。 Maybe you're ticked off, or maybe you're looking forward to a new game. 或许你被某个游戏折磨得够呛,或许你正在期待着一款新游戏, You've been up too late playing a game. 或许你为了玩游戏而熬夜。 All these things happen to me. 所有这些都发生在我身上。 But when we think...

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We're going to jump onto the next one, maybe. Yes. 或许我们可以开始讨论下一个动机了。 Influence and status. 影响力和地位 So this is one of the most famous game dynamics. 这是最出名的游戏动机之一。 It's used all over the place. 在很多地方都可以利用它。 It's used in your wallets, right now. 你的钱包里现在就有它。 We all want that credit card on the far left because...

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When we look at the universities, 当我们环顾大学, 60 percent of baccalaureate degrees are going to women now, which is a significant shift. 目前女性占60%的本科学历的人数,这是个巨大的转变。 And in fact, university administrators are a little uncomfortable about the idea 实际上,大学的主管们对此感到有点不安, that we may be getting close to 70 percent female population in un...

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Third reason that boys are out of sync with school today: 第三个原因是男孩与我们今日的学校相脱节: kindergarten is the old second grade, folks. 幼儿园是一种过时的脱节教育。 We have a serious compression of the curriculum happening out there. 我们教学课程中有严重的压缩问题。 When you're three, you better be able to write your name legibly, 当孩子三岁时,他们最好能清楚地写...

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去年9月,新学期开始的第三个星期,班主任又一次打电话将我叫进了学校。这准没好事。果然,一进办公室,班主任老师就板起了面孔。原来,刚刚升入初中的儿子再次去电子游戏室玩,又被校风纠察队逮了个正着,按照学校规定,要写检讨。儿子屡教不改,老师痛心疾首:“老陈,对你这孩子,我的确已经无能为力,你自己想想办法吧,再这样下去,他肯定会毁了。” 事态严重,我窝火透了。儿子是在奶奶身...

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