天真与经验之歌:第46篇 给得撒

To Tirzah 给得撒 Whate’er is born of mortal birth 无论是什么诞生于肉身, Must be consumed with the earth, 就必然被尘世消磨殆尽, To rise from generation free: 为了要摆脱传宗接代的羁绊, Then what have I to do with thee? 那么我与你有什么相干? The sexes sprung from shame and pride, 两性从羞耻与骄傲中跃起, Blowed in the morn, in evening died; 在早晨传播;在夜晚死去, Bu...

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天真与经验之歌:第28篇 病玫瑰

The Sick Rose 病玫瑰 O rose, thou art sick! 哦,玫瑰,你病了。 The invisible worm, 那看不见的小虫 That flies in the night, 飞翔在黑夜里, In the howling storm, 在咆哮的暴风雨中: Has found out thy bed 发现了你的床 Of crimson joy, 沉湎在猩红色的欢欣: And his dark secret love 他那黑色的秘密的爱情 Does thy life destroy. 却毁...

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天真与经验之歌:第38篇 人的抽象观念

The Human Abstract 人的抽象观念 Pity would be no more 那就无须有什么怜悯, If we did not make somebody poor, 若是我们并没有使人穷困: And Mercy no more could be 也不必再施什么恩德, If all were as happy as we. 若是所有的人都像我们这样快乐: And mutual fear brings Peace, 互相的畏惧带来了和平, Till the selfish loves increase; 直到自私的...

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天真与经验之歌:第33篇 啊!向日葵

Ah, Sunflower 啊!向日葵 Ah, sunflower, weary of time, 啊,向日葵!你厌倦了时光 Who countest the steps of the sun; 它计数着太阳的脚步: Seeking after that sweet golden clime 你寻找那美好的宝贵的地方 Where the traveller’s journey is done; 在那里旅人结束了他的征途。 Where the Youth pined away with desire, 在那里因情欲而憔悴的青年, An...

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天真与经验之歌:第31篇 老虎

The Tiger 老虎 Tiger, tiger, burning bright 老虎,老虎,你炽烈地发光, In the forests of the night, 照得夜晚的森林灿烂辉煌; What immortal hand or eye 是什么样不朽的手或眼睛 Could frame thy fearful symmetry? 能把你一身惊人的匀称造成? In what distant deeps or skies 在什么样遥远的海底或天边, Burnt the fire of thine eyes? 燃烧起你眼睛中...

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天真与经验之歌:第34篇 百合花

The Lily 百合花 The modest Rose puts forth a thorn, 含羞的玫魂生出一根刺: The humble sheep a threat’ning horn: 驯顺的羔羊有双吓人的角: While the Lily white shall in love delight, 白色的百合花却陶醉在爱情里, Nor a thorn nor a threat stain her beauty bright. 没有刺或恐吓玷污她的美好。

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天真与经验之歌:第43篇 一个圣像

A Divine Image 一个圣像 Cruelty has a human heart, 残酷有一颗人的心 And Jealousy a human face; 嫉妒有一张人的脸 Terror the human form divine, 恐怖,披着神圣的人形 And Secrecy the human dress. 而隐私却穿上了人的衣衫 The human dress is forged iron, 人的衣衫,是用铁铸成 The human form a fiery forge, 人的外形,是一个炽烈的熔炉 The human face a furnace sealed, 人的脸,一座封住的...

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天真与经验之歌:第36篇 流浪儿

The Little Vagabond 流浪儿 Dear mother, dear mother, the Church is cold; 亲爱的妈妈、亲爱的妈妈、教堂可真冷。 But the Alehouse is healthy, and pleasant, and warm. 但酒店里却暖和,使人健康又开心: Besides, I can tell where I am used well; 而且我能知道在那儿过得好。 Such usage in heaven will never do well. 在天堂里我可绝没这么逍遥。 But, if at the Church they would give us som...

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天真与经验之歌:第32篇 我漂亮的玫瑰树

My Pretty Rose Tree 我漂亮的玫瑰树 A flower was offered to me, 有人送给我一朵花, Such a flower as May never bore; 五月里从没有这样的花。 But I said, ‘I’ve a pretty rose tree,’ 但我说我有一棵漂亮的玫魂树, And I passed the sweet flower o’er. 我就把这朵可爱的花还给他。 Then I went to my pretty rose tree, 然后我去看我漂亮的玫魂树: To tend her by day an...

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天真与经验之歌:第39篇 婴儿的悲哀

Infant Sorrow 婴儿的悲哀 My mother groaned, my father wept: 我妈妈呻吟!我爸爸流泪。 Into the dangerous world I leapt, 我一下子跳进这危险的世界: Helpless, naked, piping loud, 无依无靠,光着身,尖声喊叫, Like a fiend hid in a cloud. 就像躲在云彩里的一个魔妖。 Struggling in my father’s hands, 我在爸爸的手里拼命挣脱, Striving agains...

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天真与经验之歌:第42篇 一小女孩的迷失

A Little Girl Lost 一小女孩的迷失 Children of the future age, 未来时代的孩子们, Reading this indignant page, 读到这令人愤慨的一页; Know that in a former time 知道了在从前有个时候 Love, sweet love, was thought a crime. 爱情!甜蜜的爱情!被当作是罪孽! In the age of gold, 在黄金年代的时期, Free from winter’s cold, 没有冬日的寒冷...

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天真与经验之歌:第29篇 虻虫

The Fly 虻虫 Little Fly, 小小的虻虫 Thy summer’s play 你在夏天的游戏 My thoughtless hand 已被我的手 Has brushed away. 不在意地拂去。 Am not I 我难道不是 A fly like thee? 一个像你一样的虻虫 Or art not thou 你难道不是 A man like me? 一个像我一样的人? For I dance, 因为我跳舞 And drink, and sing, 喝酒又歌唱:...

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天真与经验之歌:第44篇 摇篮曲

A Cradle Song 摇篮曲 Sleep, sleep, beauty bright, 睡吧,睡吧,美丽的宝贝。 Dreaming in the joys of night; 愿你在夜的欢乐中安睡; Sleep, sleep; in thy sleep 睡吧,睡吧;当你睡时 Little sorrows sit and weep. 小小的悲哀会坐着哭泣。 Sweet babe, in thy face 可爱的宝贝,在你的脸上 Soft desires I can trace, 我可以看见柔弱的欲望; Secret jo...

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天真与经验之歌:第30篇 天使

The Angel 天使 I dreamt a dream! What can it mean? 我做了一个梦!怎么说得清? And that I was a maiden Queen 梦见我竟是个女王,还没有结婚: Guarded by an Angel mild: 被一个温柔的天使护卫: Witless woe was ne’er beguiled! 却并不能排遣我愚蠢的伤悲! And I wept both night and day, 我总是在哭泣,夜晚和白天 And he wiped my tears away; ...

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