
So when I decided to create an art piece in Manshiyat Naser, 当我决定在曼斯亚特·纳赛尔创建一个艺术品 the neighborhood of the Cairo garbage collectors in Egypt, 在埃及开罗附近的垃圾收集处 I never thought this project would be the most amazing human experience that I would ever live. 我从来没有想过这个项目会是我有生以来最令人惊讶的经历 As an artist, I had th...

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I think I never drink as much tea as I did in Egypt. 我感觉我从来没喝过这么多的茶 And to be honest with you, we could have finished earlier, 老实说,我们其实可以提前竣工 but I think it took us three weeks because of all those tea breaks. 但我认为这个项目花费了我们三个星期是因为那些喝茶的休息时间 In Egypt, they have another expression, which is “Nawar...

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At the beginning of the project, I numbered all those buildings on my sketch, 项目初期,我在我的设计稿上给所有的这些建筑编了号 and there was no real interaction with the community. 但这些并没有真正的与社区产生互动 People didn’t get the point of all this. 人们并没有在这一点上参与进来 But fast enough, those building numbers became family names. 但很...

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The Zaraeeb, that’s how they call themselves, which means the pig breeders, 照片上的这个人所代表的是自称“Zaraeeb”的一个群体,意思是猪的饲养者 have been collecting the garbage of Cairo and sorting it in their own neighborhood for decades. 他们一直在开罗收集垃圾,而且已经在各自的社区整理了数十年。 They have developed one of the most efficient and highly prof...

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In every work that I create, I write messages with my style of Arabic calligraphy. 在我创作的每一样作品中,我都用阿拉伯的书法风格写要旨 I make sure those messages are relevant to the place where I am painting 我确保这些信息与作画的地区有关联 but have this universal dimension, so anybody around the world can relate to it. 通过这么一个普遍的维度,使全世界的人都...

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And there was my father, standing with me outside, admiring a day’s work, 而我的父亲和我一起站在外面,欣赏着一天的工作, hair on his head, fully in remission, when he turned to me and he said, “You know, Michael, this house saved my life.” 他头上的发重新长了出来,他走向我对我说:“你知道迈克这栋房子救了我。” So the following year, I decided to g...

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Our two teams have worked together over the last year to design this memorial. 我们两个团队去年在一起工作并设计了这个纪念馆。 The memorial will take us on a journey 这个纪念馆会带领我们走上一个旅途, through a classical, almost familiar building type, like the Parthenon or the colonnade at the Vatican. 通过一个古典的、几近熟悉的建筑类型,像帕台农神庙或在梵蒂...

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When we think about how it should be built, we were reminded of Ubudehe, the building process we learned about in Rwanda. 当我们思考着如何建造的时候,我们想起了Ubudehe,从卢旺达学到的建筑方式。 We wondered if we could fill those very columns with the soil from the sites of where these killings occurred. 我们思考着是否能用当年私刑地点的泥土去填充这些柱子。 Brian ...

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We worked with Bruce Nizeye, a brilliant engineer, 我们跟Bruce Nizeye一起工作,他是一个非常了不起的工程师, and he thought about construction differently than I had been taught in school. 对于建筑,他对我从学校学来的那一套有不同的看法。 When we had to excavate this enormous hilltop and a bulldozer was expensive and hard to get to site, 当我们必须在这个巨大的...

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“Where are the architects?” Paul said. “建筑师在哪儿呢?”Paul说道。 If hospitals are making people sicker, 如果一个医院令人们生病, where are the architects and designers to help us build and design hospitals that allow us to heal? 那么帮助建筑和设计那些可以让人痊愈的医院的设计师和建筑师又在哪儿呢? That following summer, I was in the back of a...

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Or Malawi: we asked if a birthing center could radically reduce maternal and infant mortality. 或者在Malawi: 我们会问是否接生中心会从根本上减少母婴的死亡率。 Malawi has one of the highest rates of maternal and infant death in the world. Malawi有着世界上最高的母婴死亡率。 Using a simple strategy to be replicated nationally, we designed a birthing center 使用简...

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Every weekend for as long as I can remember, my father would get up on a Saturday, 在我能够记住的每个周末,我的父亲在周六起床后, put on a worn sweatshirt and he’d scrape away at the squeaky old wheel of a house that we lived in. 会穿上一件旧T恤衫,他会刮掉我们所住的老房子的油漆。 I wouldn’t even call it restoration; it was a ritual, catharsis. 我...

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Using the lo-fab way of building, even aesthetic decisions can be designed to impact people’s lives. 利用“当地奇迹”的办法来建造楼房,即使审美决定的设计也能对人们的生活产生影响。 In Butaro, we chose to use a local volcanic stone found in abundance within the area, 在Butaro,我们选择利用当地的火山石,在那个区域里资源非常充足, but often considered a nuisance...

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And even in Poughkeepsie, my hometown, we thought about old industrial infrastructure. 即使在我的家乡Poughkeepsie,我们想到古老的工业基础设施。 We wondered: Could we use arts and culture and design to revitalize this city and other Rust Belt cities across our nation, 我们疑惑:我们能用艺术文化和设计来振兴这个城市吗,还有全国其它一些老旧的条带式城市, and turn th...

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Countries like Germany and South Africa and, of course, Rwanda, 像德国和南非,当然还有卢旺达, have found it necessary to build memorials to reflect on the atrocities of their past, in order to heal their national psyche. 我们发现有必要建立一个纪念馆,来折射他们过去的暴行,以便从心理上获得全国性的治愈。 We have yet to do this in the United States. 我们在美国...

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