
So let’s dig into this first question: How should we work? 所以,我们来探讨第一个问题:我们应当如何工作? We should work like our mothers. 我们应该像我们的母亲们那样。 That’s right — we’ve spent decades trying to fit women into a work world built for company men. 没错,好几十年的时间里,我们试图将女性融入男性的工作环境中 And many ha...

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In the midst of such widespread uncertainty, we may, in fact, be insecure. 在这种变幻无常之中,我们可能会没有安全感。 But we can let that insecurity make us brittle or supple. 但是我们能让这种不安全感使我们变得脆弱敏感或是能屈能伸。 We can turn inward, lose faith in the power of institutions to change — even lose faith in ourselves. 我们可以选择封闭自我...

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Now, this means the nine-to-five no longer works for anyone. 如今,这意味着朝九晚五的工作不再适合所有人。 Punch clocks are becoming obsolete, as are career ladders. 打卡和事业的阶梯已经过时了。 Whole industries are being born and dying every day. It’s all nonlinear from here. 企业日新月异、起伏不定。 So we need to stop asking kids, “What do you...

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Fifty million of us, for example, live in intergenerational households. 例如,我们一共有5000万人是两代人住在同一屋檐下。 This number exploded with the Great Recession, but it turns out people actually like living this way. 这个数字在大衰退期间内激增,但是人们喜欢这种生活方式。 Two-thirds of those who are living with multiple generations under one roof say itR...

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I’m a journalist, so I like to look for the untold stories, the lives that quietly play out under the scream of headlines. 我是一名记者,因此我乐于探寻那些鲜为人知的故事,那些夸张头条背后的平静生活。 I’ve also been going about the business of putting down roots, choosing a partner, making babies. 同时我也安家落户,结婚生子。 So for the last few years...

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My great-grandfather was a drunk in Detroit, who sometimes managed to hold down a factory job. 我的曾祖父曾经住在底特律,他是个酒鬼,有时勉强去工厂工作。 He had, as unbelievable as it might sound, 21 children, with one woman, my great-grandmother, who died at 47 years old of ovarian cancer. 他和我的曾祖母有21个孩子,听起来难以置信,我的曾祖母因为卵巢癌,于47岁去世...

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Now, let me be very clear: the 14.8 percent of Americans living in poverty need money, plain and simple. 我说的再明白一些,就是在美国,穷人占14.8%,他们需要钱,简单易懂。 And all of us need policies that protect us from exploitation by employers and financial institutions. 所有人都需要政策保护,免受雇主和金融机构的剥削。 Nothing that follows is meant to suggest ...

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Now, I’ve experienced this firsthand. For the last few years, I’ve been living in a cohousing community. 我亲身体验过这种生活。过去几年中,我生活在一个合作居住社区。 It’s 1.5 acres of persimmon trees, this prolific blackberry bush that snakes around a community garden, 社区公园里有1.5英亩柿子树,黑莓丛郁郁葱葱,蜿蜒遍布整个公园 all smack-dab, b...

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Is “better off” finding a secure job that you can count on for the rest of your life? Those are nearly extinct. 是找到了一个稳定的工作,一辈子都不用愁,就意味着“生活安逸”吗?这种情况几乎不存在。 People move jobs, on average, every 4.7 years, and it’s estimated that by 2020, nearly half of Americans will be freelancers. 人们平均4.7年就换一个工作,...

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The “new better off,” as I’ve come to call it, 我所说的“新型安逸生活” is less about investing in the perfect family and more about investing in the imperfect village, 不是关于维持完美的家庭,而是关于维持不那么完美的村落, whether that’s relatives living under one roof, a cohousing community like mine, 不论是所有亲戚住在同一屋檐下,就像...

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Washington funded one global project after another while allowing other countries to drain our jobs, 华盛顿资助着一个又一个全球项目。与此同时,却允许其他国家抢走我们的就业, and drain the wealth of the United States of America. 攫取美利坚合众国的财富。 Then, Washington taxed and regulated our own workers and industries, taking away their ability to earn a living. ...

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My fellow Americans, 我的美国同胞们, As we celebrate American Dream Week at the White House, we continue to see incredible results. 本周我们在白宫庆祝美国梦,我们在继续见到难以置信的成果。 This week, the Dow Jones Industrial average reached an all-time high. Never ever has it been so high. 本周,道琼斯平均工业指数达到有史以来的最高水平,从未有如此的高点。 In ...

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As an example, you cannot get welfare for five years when you come into our country. 举个例子,你来到我们国家少于五年,你将不能获得福利。 You can’t just come in like in past weeks, years, and decades you come in, immediately start picking up welfare. 你不能仅仅来了几周,几年,几十年,就很快开始拿到福利。 For five years, you have to say you will not be asking or...

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