励志演讲 :直面恐惧(2)

OK… Then… OK… take this speech and set it to music. Maybe inserts some crazy, kooky graphic. Star in that video yourself, post it on the web, and if it becomes a viral sensation, you'll be equal to any cat playing with a paper bag, any set of twin toodlers talking gibberish to each other, as popular as a cute girl who says about Fridays, hey, you could ...

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励志演讲 :让父母为你骄傲(8)

And along with all my other exterior choices, I worked on, what actors call, my interior adjustment. I adjusted my natural temperament which tends to be slightly bossy, a little opinionated, loud, a little loud full of pronouncements and high spirits, and I willfully cultivated softness, agreeableness, a breezy, natural sort of sweetness, even shyness if you will, which was ...

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励志演讲 :如何解决这个世界最严重的不平等(12)

Members of the Harvard Family: Here in the Yard is one of the great collections of intellectual talent in the world. 哈佛是一个大家庭。这个院子里在场的人们,是全世界最有智力的人类群体之一。 For what purpose? 我们可以做些什么? There is no question that the faculty, the alumni, the students, and the benefactors of Harvard have used their power to improve the lives of people h...

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励志演讲 :执着于你的梦想(10)

And I think what I'm trying to say to you is that each and every one of you can make a difference. So as you study and as you become smarter, and as you become richer, think about these millions of people that need your help. Now, you maybe ask yourself the question, what can I do? Well, let me tell you. Even though you maybe have no money or nothing, you can go out and ...

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励志演讲 :直面恐惧(3)

On spring days like today, it is traditional for us to ponder the steer of the world all you are to help to make it a better place which implies things are somehow worse today, then we're up here where you are sitting right now. I'm not so sure the plan of the earth, it was shape, was thirty, no eighteen, no four years ago. That's not to say some better shape eit...

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励志演讲 :让父母为你骄傲(6)

I remember very clearly my own first conscious attempt at acting. I was six, placing my mother's half slip over my head in preparation to play the Virgin Mary in our living room. As I swaddled my Betsy Wetsy doll, I felt quiet, holy, actually, and my transfigured face and very changed demeanor captured on super-8 by my dad, pulled my little brother Harry to play Joseph a...

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励志演讲 :美国总统奥巴马就职演说(4)

For everywhere we look, there is work to be done. The state of the economy calls for action, bold and swift, and we will act-not only to create new jobs, but to lay a new foundation for growth. We will build the roads and bridges, the electric grids and digital lines that feed our commerce and bind us together. We will restore science to its rightful place, and wield technol...

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励志演讲 :不说绝不(8)

And I will thank a couple of people that you guys probably wouldn't even think I will thank. Isaiah Thomas, Magic Johnson and George Gervin. They are the so-called freezing-out in my rookie season. I would never guess, but you guys gave me the motivation, say, you know what? Evidently I've got to prove to these guys. I've got to prove to them that I deserve what ...

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励志演讲 :如何解决这个世界最严重的不平等(13)

My mother, who was filled with pride the day I was admitted here, never stopped pressing me to do more for others. A few days before I was married, she hosted a bridal event, at which she read aloud a letter about marriage that she had written to Melinda. My mother was very ill with cancer at the time, but she saw one more opportunity to deliver her message, and at the close...

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励志演讲 :美国总统奥巴马就职演说(2)

These are the indicators of crisis, subject to data and statistics. Less measurable but no less profound is a sapping of confidence across our land-a nagging fear that America's decline is inevitable, and that the next generation must lower its sights. 这些是危机的迹象,这一点统计数据将予以证明。不易于衡量但同样严重的是全国各地动摇的信心——一种挥之不去的恐惧感,认为美国将...

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励志演讲 :74届奥斯卡颁奖典礼开幕词(1)

When the great director Billy Wilder was asked what makes a movie unforgettable, his answer was simple, "A little bit of magic!" We're all here tonight or sitting at home watching because something came off a movie screen: a little bit of magic touched our lives. And you always remember where you were: the theater, the popcorn, the people you were with when it ...

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胡适(1891.12.17—1962.2.24),徽州绩溪县上庄村人。原名嗣穈,学名洪骍,字希疆,后改名胡适,字适之,笔名天风、藏晖等,其中,适与适之之名与字,乃取自当时盛行的达尔文学说“物竞天择适者生存”典故。现代著名学者、诗人、历史学家、文学家、哲学家。因提倡文学革命而成为新文化运动的领袖之一。 给后进“指示一条应走的路” 1928年3月,上海吴淞海边的中国公学发生风潮,至4月底尚未解决,校长何鲁辞职...

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因为怕落后所以戒掉午睡 作者:雷军 在我的印象中,很多名人都是在大学成名的,我当时也想利用大学的机会证明我的优秀。我本来有午睡的习惯,但看到有同学不睡午觉看书的时候,就把午睡的习惯改掉了。我特别害怕落后,怕一旦落后,我就追不上,我不是一个善于在逆境中生存的人。我会先把一个事情想得非常透彻,目的是不让自己陷入逆境,我是首先让自己立于不败之地,然后,再出发的人。 我学电脑是从“泡机房...

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柔智 作者:闫晗 一次,上海一家著名饭店宴请外宾。一位中等身材的外宾被餐桌上摆放的雕有九条飞龙的精美酒杯——“九龙杯”——所吸引,赞叹不已。于是,他趁人不备顺手把一只杯子塞进了自己的公文包里。这一举动被饭店服务员看在眼里,并立即向经理作了汇报。经理觉得此事比较棘手:如果直接到外宾的公文包内翻取,外宾会提出抗议,从而造成不良影响;如果想法把外宾引开,也不行,因为此时外宾肯定不会让公文包...

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朱德群:带走“留法三剑客”时代 作者:李健亚 曾经的“留法三剑客” 朱德群是法兰西学院艺术院历史上的第一位华裔院士,于1997年入选。第二位是华裔画家赵无极,于2002年入选法兰西学院艺术院院士。法兰西学院艺术院仅有10名终身院士,其中两名为华人:朱德群和赵无极。 2000年,经朱德群院士推荐,吴冠中入选法兰西学院艺术院通讯院士,是首位获此殊荣的中国籍艺术家,这也是法兰西学院成立近200年来第一位亚...

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央视金牌新闻主持人白岩松,以睿智、深刻、严肃的形象赢得观众好评。谁能想到,他最大的爱好之一竟是逛街,甚至常常拖着妻子朱宏钧陪他逛街,逛得妻子大喊受不了,落荒而逃。这样一个“大男人”为什么会如此热爱逛街呢? 会过日子热爱生活的好男人 白岩松从北京广播学院新闻系毕业后,进入中央人民广播电台的《中国广播报》工作,在那里他爱上了同事——江南姑娘朱宏钧。 一天,朱宏钧对白岩松说,她的父母要来...

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斯皮尔伯格说过,克里斯托弗·诺兰是好莱坞最后的电影作者,只有他还在创造新的梦,而其他导演不过是在不断重复自己。从14年前自掏6000美元拍摄首部电影《追随》,到如今投资额高达1。6亿美元的《盗梦空间》席卷全球.诺兰的“梦”越造越大。 奇想能力为他的电影粘上标签 “我是克里斯托弗·诺兰,一个典型的英国人,像我的前辈希区柯克那样,不仅是一个导演,也是一个拥有奇想能力的人。”《盗梦空间》超现实主...

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“学神”陆冠南的逆袭人生 作者:许念邑王瑶 成为“学神”的途径并非只有伏案苦读,24岁的陆冠南用自己的经历证明,行万里路的重要性丝毫不亚于读万卷书。从他脸书上丰富多彩的照片可以看出,这位游历过三十多个国家的“学神”过着天马行空的生活:在坎昆“驾驭”海豚乘风破浪;在撒哈拉大漠中端坐丘顶远眺落日;在挪威秀一把抖空竹;在芬兰一头扎进刺骨的冰湖……如此五彩斑斓的生活,完全不像一个“正经”人。 看似与...

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从胡适的相貌谈起 作者:胡竹峰 1 张中行生前撰文回忆胡适:“中等以上身材,清秀,白净。永远是‘学士头’,就是留前不留后,中间高一些。永远穿长袍,好像博士学位不是来自美国。总之,以貌取人,大家共有的印象,是个风流潇洒的本土人物。”温源宁如此描述44岁胡适的长相:“气色虽然不甚红润,不像养尊处优的老爷,但也不像漱溟一般的瘦马相,只有一点青白气色,这大概是他焚膏继晷用功之遗迹。衣服虽讲究,...

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“一菲姐”娄艺潇:坏脾气大势女 作者:陈俊 如果一个女人有这样的背景:钢琴七级、声乐九级、国家运动员二级、上海戏剧学院毕业、电影电视剧话剧音乐剧全都搞得定……能用什么词形容她?最契合的只有一个词——霸道。 这就是娄艺潇,一个暴脾气、偏偏人缘好到无可挑剔的女孩。 小师妹,大姐大 在上戏读大一时,一次娄艺潇坐室友家的顺风车,下高架时跟人蹭了。室友的父亲性格好说话也客气,可对方态度不好,骂骂...

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