
14 years ago, I gave a commencement speech at another New Jersey school. 14年前,我在新泽西的另一所学校做了一场毕业演讲。 Through the magic of Google search, I was able to do a "back to the future moment," 通过谷歌搜索的魔力,我得以“回到未来时刻”, looking back on my words to see if any of what I had to say to the class of 2001 stood up today. 回顾我之前所说的话,...

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Fortunately, in the 1950's, conformity was encouraged — though we were also in a period of transition. 幸运的是,20世纪50年代,人们鼓励随大流–虽然当时我们也处于转型期。 Women were finding our voices at Wellesley, but we were also expected to be young ladies — except perhaps during that occasional outing to Boston. 在韦尔斯利学院妇女有话语权,但人们还是...

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Good morning, Mayor Redd, President Barchi, Chancellor Haddon, governors, trustees, alumni, family, friends, 早上好,雷德市长,巴奇校长,哈登校长,理事们,校董们,校友们,家长们,朋友们, and especially, the graduating class of Rutgers-Camden, congratulations! 尤其是罗格斯大学卡姆登分校的毕业生们,恭喜你们! I want to thank you for inviting me here today on one of the most s...

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Life is a long, bumpy road, but that makes for an exciting ride. 人生是一条漫长崎岖的道路,却也因此成为一段令人兴奋的旅程。 Choose a direction, and if the road turns — turn! 选择一个方向,如果这条路转弯了–那就随着转吧! If there is a fork in the road — take it! 如果路上出现了岔路口,那就做出选择吧! It's OK to map out your future — but do it in pe...

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So imagine, that you are transforming, inspiring, and improving not only others but yourself along the way. 想象一下,你不仅不断改进、启发和改善他人的同时,也在改变自己。 This will make you better and stronger! 这将使你变得更优秀,更强大! Better and stronger: you have grown here together, you have learnt here together, 更优秀,更强大:你们在这里一起成长,在这里一起学习, yo...

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Before the Soul ever played a down, we found four needy charities and gave away more money than we brought in. 在费城灵魂队刚能够打个一档时,我们发现有四家慈善机构很缺钱,就向他们捐钱,捐的钱比我们挣的还要多。 We were having fun playing football and Robin Hood! 我们一边玩橄榄球一边当罗宾汉,感觉很开心! But then on one bitter cold night in 2006, while I was staying in Philly...

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This brings me to my final story — about encouraging transformational change in others. 这就引出了我最后的故事–关于鼓励他人进行变革。 The real heroes of that little story that I'm going to tell you are really my great colleagues at the International Monetary Fund. 我要讲的这个小故事的真正英雄,是我在国际货币基金组织的出色的同事。 In 2011 — at the height...

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Now embracing "we" doesn't absolve you from the responsibility to lead. 现在接受“我们”的力量并不会免除你们引领社会的责任。 This world needs its young people to lead and to lead by example. 这个世界需要年轻人来引领,需要年轻人以身作则。 To walk that walk, and to do that work. So confound expectations. 走该走的路,做该做的工作。所以把理想先放一边吧。 Inspire othe...

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And while you are making a difference at school, at home, at work, 当你们在学校、在家里、在工作中有所作为的时候, many of you will also want to make a bigger difference and take a larger perspective on the pressing issues of our time. 你们中的许多人还希望发挥更大的作用,从更广阔的角度看待我们这个时代的紧迫问题。 Protection of our planet, eradication of poverty, reduction of ...

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But as the names of dead European kings and the body parts of dissected animals begin to fade, 随着逝去的欧洲君王的名字、解剖过的动物身体构成开始从脑海中淡去, the true value of your days on the hill, in Boston, or in Grafton will become more and more apparent. 你们在这座山上、在波士顿、在格拉芙顿的那些日子的真正价值会变得越来越清晰。 For by studying here at Tufts, you, alon...

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President Monaco, distinguished faculty and trustees, honored guests, 莫纳可校长,尊敬的教职员工、校董们,嘉宾们, most important people — members of the Class of 2015, families and friends: Good morning. 还有最重要的2015届毕业生们、家长们、朋友们,大家上午好。 I want to begin by thanking Tufts very, very much for this honorary degree. 首先,我要感谢塔夫茨大学,非常感...

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From rock star, to team owner to foundation chairman, they're all just mile markers along this journey and that is the power of "we". 从摇滚明星到球队所有者,再到基金会主席,这些都是旅程沿途的里程标记,这就是“我们”的力量。 No one is an island. No one can do it alone. 没有人是一座孤岛,没有谁能独自做这件事。 Not government alone, not the private sector alone. 政...

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As a professor and mother of three college graduates, I have to confess that I just love commencement ceremonies. 作为一名教授,以及三个大学毕业生的妈妈,我必须承认,我很喜欢毕业典礼。 They are a unique milestone in our lives, because they celebrate past accomplishments and future possibilities. 毕业典礼是我们人生中独特的里程碑,因为它是对我们过去和未来可能性的庆祝。 To the ...

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Class is over, but learning isn't. 课程虽然结束了,但学习没有结束。 Your diploma is a key to open doors of possibility not only for yourselves, but for others. 你们的文凭是打开可能之门的钥匙,不仅仅为了自己,也为了他人。 So if you want the amazing feeling of pride that you're feeling today to last far beyond today, 所以,如果你们想让今天感受到的这种美妙的自豪感持续更...

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And that brings me to my second story — standing up for your values and principles. 下面是我的第二个故事,关于坚持你的价值观及原则。 It does not always work. Let me give you an example. 并不总是奏效的。我给你们举个例子。 I highly highly respect my fellow human beings. 我非常非常尊重我的人类同胞。 And as a young student, I just could not, and I still to this day, cannot...

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My point is this: you can create a lasting legacy by encouraging transformational change in companies, communities and countries. 我的意思是:你可以通过鼓励企业、社区和国家的变革来创造一笔长久的遗产。 And you can do this in two dimensions — to help resolve pressing problems, and to help others achieve their potential. 你可以在两个维度上做到这一点–帮助解决紧迫的问...

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This is precisely what you have been doing here at IIT. 这正是你们在伊利诺伊理工大学所做的事情。 You have taken a financial risk — or maybe not you, maybe your parents — by attending this great university. 来这所伟大学府求学,你们可能会承受财务风险,也可能是不是你们,而是你们的父母承担了财务风险。 And you have transformed yourself through learning. 你们已经通过学...

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And today, the center of our universe is right here in Chicago, on the Ed Glancy Field. 今天,我们整个世界的中心就在这里,芝加哥埃德葛兰西球场。 Today you, the graduates of this great university, have the right to feel like the new masters of the academic universe. 今天,你们,这所伟大学校的毕业生们,有权利认为自己就是学术界的新大师。 Hard work, boundless energy, relentless ...

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There are many values and ideas that are worth standing up for. 有许多值得坚持的价值观和理念。 For my perspective, I've always stood for respect to other fellow human beings and gender equality. 从我的角度来说,我一直主张尊重他人和性别平等。 To achieve greater fairness in schools, in universities, in the workplace, and at home, 为了在学校、大学、工作场所和家中实现更大的...

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Let me give you another example "from cozy to crazy", and it happened right here in Chicago. 让我再举一个从舒适到疯狂的例子,它就发生在芝加哥。 In 1999, after years of studying at law school, hard work as a young, and then not so young lawyer, 1999年,在结束了法学院几年的学习并成为一名年轻的律师,并不是那么的年轻的律师之后, my partners at Baker & McKenzie elec...

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