
How about the next question? This is asking about what the average age is, 那么下一个问题呢?这是问关于年龄的中位数, so the age at which half the population are younger and half the population are older. 也就是该地区大于和小于这个年龄的人口数相等。 And I thought 35 — that sounds middle-aged to me. 我以为是35–那对我来说是中年。 Actually, in Exe...

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TED演讲:科技并没有改变爱 为什么?(6)

And I stumbled, then, on a statistic that really came home to me. 结果我发现了一个震惊的数据。 It was a very interesting academic article in which I found that 67 percent of singles in America today who are living long-term with somebody, 一篇极其有趣的学术文章,发现67%的处于长期同居的美国未婚人士, have not yet married because they are terrified of divorce. ...

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智慧人生篇章 (71)科技与好奇心

In a pre-flight news conference in the summer of 1969 1969年夏天,在一次飞行前的新闻发布会上 Neil Armstrong said, “I think we’re going to the moon because it is in the nature of the human being to face challenges. 尼尔·阿姆斯特朗说,“我认为我们要去月球,因为人类要面临挑战。 It’s by the nature of his deep inner soul”. 这是他的本性深层的...

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TED演讲之身体语言 怎样用科技改造人体?(2)

I’m fascinated with the idea of what happens when you merge biology with technology, 我非常着迷于这点子,要是把科技和生物学融合在一起会发生什么, and I remember reading about this idea of being able to reprogram biology, in the future, away from disease and aging. 我记得曾经读过一个点子,是关于在未来我们可以通过改变生物内在编码来克服疾病与衰老。 And I thou...

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TED演讲之身体语言 怎样用科技改造人体?(1)

I call myself a body architect. 我自称为一名人体建筑师。 I trained in classical ballet and have a background in architecture and fashion. 我学过古典芭蕾,也有建筑以及时尚的相关背景。 As a body architect, I fascinate with the human body and explore how I can transform it. 作为一个人体建筑师,我真的十分痴迷于人的身体以及我怎样才能改造它。 I worked at Philips...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(2)

But perhaps that’s not the case. Perhaps instead, it’s the distortions brought to us of what’s really going on. 但事实或许并不是这样,我们所接受的信息是被扭曲的。 Perhaps the tremendous progress we’ve made over the last century by a series of forces are, 我们的社会在上世纪一系列事件的影响下,所经历的巨大的进步正在不断加速, in fact, accelerating to a ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(3)

Underpinning much of this is technology, and of late, exponentially growing technologies. 而这一切的基础是科技。和近代指数式增长的科技。 My good friend Ray Kurzweil showed that any tool that becomes an information technology jumps on this curve, 我的好朋友雷·库兹威尔展示了任何信息科技的工具 都遵从这条曲线, on Moore’s Law, and experiences price performance doubling eve...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(1)

(Video) Announcer: Threats, in the wake of Bin Laden’s death, have spiked. (视频)播音员:在本拉登被击毙后,恐怖威胁数量激增。 Famine in Somalia. Announcer Three: Police pepper spray. 索马里出现饥荒。警察使用胡椒喷雾。 Vicious cartels. Caustic cruise lines. Societal decay. 凶恶的毒枭。破裂的游轮。社会风气败坏。 65 dead. Announcer Eight: Tsunami warning. Announcer Nine...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(6)

But, of course, for most of us, we know how to grow teeth, and therefore we can take adult stem teeth, put them on a biodegradable mold, re-grow a tooth, and simply implant it. 当然,我们大多数人,我们知道怎样生长牙齿,所以我们能取出成人的干细胞,放进一个能生物降解的模具,再生长出牙齿,就能很方便地植入它。 And we can do it with other things. So, a Spanish woman who wa...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(9)

And, of course, the future is looking back 200 years, because next week is the 200th anniversary of Darwin’s birth. 当然,未来是往回看200年,因为下周是达尔文诞辰200周年。 And it’s the 150th anniversary of the publication of “The Origin of Species.” And Darwin, of course, argued that evolution is a natural state. 也是“物种起源”出版150周年。达...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(8)

And as you bring these trends together, and as you think of what it means to take people who are profoundly deaf, 当你把这些趋势放到一起,你开始思考这些意味着什么? who can now begin to hear — I mean, remember the evolution of hearing aids, right? 让完全失聪的人再度听到声音,记得助听器的演变史吗? I mean, your grandparents had these great big cones, and th...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(7)

Third trend: robots. Those of us of a certain age grew up expecting that by now we would have Rosie the Robot from “The Jetsons” in our house. 第三个趋势:机器人。我们这年龄的人从年轻一直到现在还在期待,家里会有“杰森一家”里的罗茜和罗伯特。 And all we’ve got is a Roomba. (Laughter) We also thought we’d have this robot to warn us of danger. 我...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(3)

If you look at the federal budget, this is what it looks like. The orange slice is what’s discretionary. Everything else is mandated. 如果你们去看看联邦政府的预算,就是这个样子的。橙色部分是自由资金,别的都是强制性的。 It makes no difference if we cut out the bridges to Alaska in the overall scheme of things. 在整件事情里即使我们切断通向阿拉斯加的桥也不会发生...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(4)

Now, right behind the financial crisis there’s a second and bigger wave that we need to talk about. 现在,在金融危机背后的是第二波更大的浪潮,这是我们需要讲的。 That wave is much larger, much more powerful, and that’s of course the wave of technology. 这股浪潮要大的多,也有力的多,当然这是技术的浪潮。 And what’s really important in this stuff i...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(1)

There’s a great big elephant in the room called the economy. So let’s start talking about that. 经济是个重要,而又常被避开的话题。让我们来聊下它。 I wanted to give you a current picture of the economy. That’s what I have behind myself. 我想给你们看看目前的经济状况。这是我自己身后的东西。 But of course what we have to remember is this. And what ...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 胡安·恩利克斯:令人吃惊的新科技(2)

The government, meanwhile, has been acting like Santa Claus. We all love Santa Claus, right? 与此同时,政府扮的像圣诞老人一样,我们都爱圣诞老人不是吗? But the problem with Santa Clause is, if you look at the mandatory spending of what these folks have been doing and promising folks, 不过,圣诞老人有个问题是,如果你回顾下这些人的所作所为而导致的“强制性开销”以及他们...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(4)

Four years ago here at TED, Ray Kurzweil and I started a new university called Singularity University. 四年前在TED,雷·库兹威尔和我创立了一所新的大学,叫做“Singularity University”。 And we teach our students all of these technologies, and particularly how they can be used to solve humanity’s grand challenges. 我们教给学生各种科技,特别是如何利用这些科技来解决...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(5)

So let’s project this analogy going forward. We think about energy scarcity. 让我们把这个比喻应用到其他方面,让我们想一想能源短缺。 Ladies and gentlemen, we are on a planet that is bathed with 5,000 times more energy than we use in a year. 女士们先生们,我们生活的这个星球上接收着相当于我们年平均能源消耗5000多倍的能量。 16 terawatts of energy hits the Earth...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(7)

But here, here is the biggest force for bringing about a world of abundance. 还有最能创造富足的世界的力量。我称之为“崛起的十亿人”。 I call it the rising billion. So the white lines here are population. We just passed the seven billion mark on Earth. 这道白线代表人口。地球上的人口最近超过了70亿。 And by the way, the biggest protection against a population explosi...

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TED演讲之伟大预言 彼得·迪曼蒂斯: 我们的未来将会是富足的(8)

Let me share and close with a story that really got me excited. There is a program that some of you might have heard of. 让我来分享一个故事作为结尾,这个故事让我非常兴奋。在座的有一些可能听说过这个项目。 It’s a game called Foldit. It came out of the University of Washington in Seattle. 是一个叫做Foldit的游戏。它来自西雅图的华盛顿大学。 And this is a game w...

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